SansAmp VT Bass Character Series


New member
hi there fellow softies anyone used it before?any comments on this pedal?planning to get it but itll be great to hear from ppl who have used it personally first.many thnks
ohs no wonder la sorry man im still quite new to bass stuffs though ive benn playin for quite sometime.cheers bro
if u buy one, u may be the first and only person here to own that pedal... talk about signature tone :mrgreen:

make sure to write a short review :)
TYMUSIC is selling Sansamp VT bass.. it not hard to get it in Singapore.

it used to be... when I was shopping around for one, i come to a dead end at every corner I tried.

much like the same experience a few years ago when I was shopping around for a Demeter Compulator and a Carl Martin Compressor - at that time, absolutely no shops in singapore bring them in.... i had to either settle for the extremely overpriced marked up BBE OptoStomp that a shop was selling or the EBS Multicomp, and ended up with the EBS, believe it or not the overpriced marked up OptoStomp I was quoted by a particuliar shop about the same price as the EBS Multicomp that Davis quoted me.

same experience also when I was shopping around for the Godlyke Power Pump.... nobody brings it in!! Another shop has it on their online site, but I called and asked and the answer is always the same, no stock dunno when it will come in.

so my experience for the VT Bass is also the same.... nobody has it, when I asked even the sales person don't know what it is.... another shop on its online site listed it at a exorbitant price also but when I called, they said no stock and the usual i dunno when it's coming in answer.

Of all I have talked about above, now the Carl Martin comp is available at Davis for a pretty reasonable price and the Demeter as well, at other shops at a reasonable price. Same with the VT Bass, thanks to TYMusic, it's now available, and at a very reasonable price as well.

For the power pump, I had to order it online from overseas, and actually these days, to save me the trouble of hunting and disappointment, i usually buy from overseas sites online. And I also support the very few shops in singapore that brings these in at very reasonable prices also - mentioned above.

sorry for writing so much text lol... but you know, the frustrations of buying gear in singapore.

In the end I decided not to buy the VT Bass, as I took more time to read up more and decided the VT Bass sound is not what I want :)
i've been recently thinking about getting a bass OD. i've been considering the sobbat db bass for a long time. plus i'm a sucker for boutique japanese shit.

but there has been alot of hype over the VT bass on TB and it has been getting to me. this pedal will give you "p bass through ampeg SVT" and more. the price point is alright with me as well.

you buggers should to do yourselves a favour and start shipping in the gear that you want. singapore is small, and so are our guitar shops. they can't possibly bring in large quantities as well as varieties of gear.

it's impossible for them to reap the benefits of large scale, with the exception of maybe citymusic and sweelee. you can't expect them to take orders on the whim and fancy of musicians as they will lose the advantage of ordering in bulk. i'd rather have gear that is scare yet affordable, than to have a wide selection of overpriced stuff.

for everything else i'd go online. some sites you guys will find useful:

it's not about supporting the local stores, it's only about getting the gear that you want.
all the demo clips for the VT Bass make me feel like getting rid of my Tone Hammer for it...

oh and Blackwood brings it in now. i was at there sometime ago when i first saw it. wanted to try it for myself, but someone was hogging the Zon.

i seem to have this particular GAS for preamps.
i thought my GAS for preamps died after i started GASing for real amps. but hey, my amp doesn't have a drive section
I've not bought from ebay before, but I've gotten my VT bass, demeter comp-1 as well as other pedals through online merchants or 2nd off hand the buy n sell forum in talkbass.

Price wise, unless there's an authorised dealer in Singapore, I doubt it will be more expensive shipping in yourself.

Shipping wise, vpost should be able to settle it..

tonefactor and proguitarshop will ship to singapore. their shipping rates are pretty reasonable too, especially if you order in bulk. i have experience with tonefactor but not yet with PGS.

i bought stuff of ebay, but from ebay stores rather than individuals. i dont mind buying from people but often they are not willing to ship overseas or will quote high costs of shipping. it's also hard to come across a good deal and win a bid.

i've only done 1 deal over talkbass, which was to trade my markbass for a genz benz with some guy from australia. i got a supporting membership just for it.

i think possibly the reason why stuff here is sometimes more ex is because the stores are not authorised dealers for some of the brands they bring in. usually, the only time it will be comparable to US prices is when there's a sale or discount.