Rock chicks photos

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whoever started this thread. get a life. you're just shaming the female musicians in singapore. and you are being sexist too. what's the thing about girls, but no boys. if you want to compete, then compete fairly. your looks doesn't matter. it only matters when you're trying to hook somebody up.

now you can't totally blame it on the guys for not taking female musicians seriously because you yourself are bringing them down, by taking stupid pictures and posting them on net just because you have a lack of attention from others.

don't you have anything else better to do?
An intellectual? You call that an intellectual? I think if she was actually intellectual enough, she wouldn't post all these. If she was intellectual, she would want to be one of those few exceptions instead of following what supposedly most musicians does nowadays, which according to her, is being packaged to suit the society's taste. And well, I would have a lot more respect for you if you actually post a video or audio file of you playing the instrument, so that it's not just publicizing your looks and yourself, but actually show that you can play that thing. I think you're just too attention seeking. So prove me wrong if you can.
yy_fuctup, just let people do what they want. if it is against the regulation of SOFT, I WILL remove them.

let's keep on the topic.
Well, mr soft, i think yy_fuctup is just expressing his/her opinion on the topic, and she also leaves it open to the threadstarter to reply to by ending with "prove me wrong if you can"

Nothing wrong with that, is there? :?

In a way I have to agree with yy_fuctup. Beauty is only skin deep after all. Come, come... the request has been laid bare, audio clips, please? :)
I only say intellectual because she puts forth her opinion in a clear and calm manner. Whether or not I agree with her points is not a factor of whether she is an intellectual.

Anyone is free to put forth an argument to hers, in clear, well defined points.

These debates don't end up much anywhere because both parties are correct.

I'll give an example:

Online pirating of mp3s vs buying of cds

"We should buy cds to support the artists"
"It's a fact that people are downloading mp3s illegally"

Both correct.
when i see a photo, i think of the lighting, framing, expression and what the photographer is trying to achieve.

this particular topic on photos of girls playing rock music can be a discussion on photography, fashion, marketing, consumer expection ... think about the usefulness.
yy-fuctup: get off my bassist back will ya. if u actually talk to her, u;d realise its more than just looks to her k. i respect her for her individuality and string personality.
A constructive critism a user has brought up is “Why do girls use their looks to show their musical abilities when their musical abilities should be judged on how good they are ".

I have already highlighted in my second post that Looks and Music is a facet of life you see on today's television, both male and female alike.

But the whole meaning this thread is trying to convey that there are female musicians amidst the society. This post concentrates on photos of female musicians as the topic is targeting the female community in particular “Rock Chicks”. It does not say “Rock Chicks Videos” but it certainty can progress to that stage later on if more girls take up the challenge of showing their skills. Certainty, a man is not described as a chick in everyday term usage hence this post is exclusivity for women.

However, people took it in the sexist approach as they themselves have the view that female musicians do not know how to play well and need their looks to sell although they have not judged for themselves. When the truth is, male musicians are also judged on their looks as well.

User neuro182 have complimented this post “I saw the thread you started, in trying to gather female musicians to stand up and get themselves seen or heard. I would say it is something radical, especially in this country, alot of guys are trying to take control of the scene.”

I urge more female users to stand out to post pictures of themselves to show their passion for music.

Thank you all for the encouragement.
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