Religious/Faith inclined posts/threads


New member
I came across a few of such threads and post in Soft:


I dunno... but I feel that such a post or thread would teethers too much on really sensitive and dangerous issues that can go out of hand. I mean, everyone have their own religious/faith practice and we are a society that tolerates many faiths, but that doesn't mean it's ok to push your faith into the face of other non-pratitioners whose gonna try to pretend it's not there.

Perhaps minor, passing commentaries is ok, but when it becomes as blatant as this...

Should such topics be banned/moderated or am I being overtly sensitive?
Well, like most threads I see on soft.

I'll just ignore it if its not in line with
my interest. So shouldn't be a prob.
Won't make sense to post in a death
metal thread if I'm not into it.

Its like asking for trouble.
Maybe in that case, the troublemaker
should be warned/banned, instead of
the thread being closed.
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dude , we were just talking about the black metal scene. relax man . if ur disturbed by it . inform the ppl involved in the thread.
I hear blackmetal song

but im from a religious school hehehe

does my face really look that evil?????

Music is Music haah there no harm about it

harm come when people like to u know really practise those things
dude , we were just talking about the black metal scene. relax man . if ur disturbed by it . inform the ppl involved in the thread.

I know.. I'm fine with the black metal talk. It's when religion comes into the picture.. as what Ledz3ppelin's post... It's like... was that really necessary?

I guess I was abit put off by how the posession topic came about as a warning to Muslims but as for other non-Muslims, he implied that it wasn't his concern.

But anyway, it's not JUST about the black/death metal thread... but I think agree with Seekz. Just ignore.

My bad for bringing this topic up. But I thought I ought to make a suggestion Whether or not it's gonna be accepted, I'm not chewing on it. :)
For the first link you posted: really it's not a big issue. There's no discussion of any religion. It's all music related. There's nothing sensitive. And indeed, playing instruments in a religious setting (eg church) does require an entire different skill set compared to playing in a live gig. The skills are so diverse and different that entire forums had been set up to deal with the issue (even Roland recognised it and has their own newsletter on the subject). So I guess as long as we don't go into quarrels about religious matters, anything music related is fine.

Second comments.
I don't find both to be offensive, and i don't see how setting up for playing live is going to be any different from a church gig though, but i'm sure technical tips would be interesting to anyone.

i can see how that comment on not caring about other folks if they get possessed or not might come across as offensive, but i'd try to give him the benefit of a doubt that he doesn't mean it as a "if you're wriggling on the floor looking possessed, and you're not from my clique, i might pay 2.08 dollars per litre for octane 95 to light you on fire".
the Death/ Black metal thread wasn't religious to begin with- it was started to count the number of fans here. i need to know because i tend to post album reviews for such music genre, if there are no active reading of such posts, why bother posting?

it just goes to show how a simple music-related matter could segue into an offensive spiritual issue without careful contribution. as far as i am concerned, it's strictly music, note the forest, don't dwell too much into each tree.
AC, there's no difference to "setting up". No difference in the instruments themselves. But the playing style is drastically different. In a gig, it's performance. Singer is on stage, while audience listens. In a church setting, the congregation becomes the main singers. So obviously, the playing style changes quite dramatically. The congregation no longer focuses on the music like in a gig. The music is not attention drawing but supplementary. And the music draws the song so the congregation is better able to express themselves.

Also, in gigs, songs are all arranged pretty much in a fixed way. In church, song flows in and out, the decision to sing the chorus or verse or last line etc is flexible. When to modulate etc, also depends on the person leading. So that changes the way it is being played and how the players communicate. Singing a song 3 or 4 times make a lot of difference as to when to climax, and the decision is made live.

These are only the few differences. There are many more. Quite a challenge really.
Hehe, i've actually gone to a few of these charismatic sing alongs back in the day. Yeah i don't see a difference between this and having a band that relies on communication between each member or a nice swing/big band/orchestra.
Yes, good communication is one thing. Actually, there is much more to that. Depending on how charismatic is the people and the situation at that time.

The dynamics can be vastly different from time to time. The dynamics could be so different during practice and the actual event that nobody can be fully prepared. When the situation calls, the musicians might even have to sight read on the spot or play by ear with no score/chord chart/fakesheet. And nobody has ever practiced coordinating with each other prior to that.

In response to the threadsetter...I think those commercial pop ups on certain websites shoves more things at my face than those threads you mention. To avoid people disabling the pop ups, they have mouse-overs as well.
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Right. Noted all your thoughts. I saw too much into it. It's just a concern I have and I had wished to address it, but since everyone is ok with it, I'll let the matter rest :)