I've seen ENGL amps at Blackwood.
Sorry but if you're really serious about your tone, from my experience, you're never going to get Marty Friedman tones from a small 10" speaker. Seems like you're choosing amps based on the brands that your favourite artists use and that is a very very common and HUGE mistake many guitarist make when they first start out.
Unless you want to shelve out thousands of dollars and get a 100w head and a 4x12 cab and bust the balls of everyone who lives around you, a small amp like the ENGL Gigmaster will not have enough saturation you hear from all your favourite records.
I'd spend my money on a decent all tube amp, single channel will do. Use it for cleans, and buy a distortion pedal to push the amp into that sort of gain territory. I can garantee you at bedroom levels, that is the BEST tones you can achieve without having to destroy everything around you with huge and loud amps. Go around and ask the serious metalheads on how they achieve their tones at bedroom levels. They all use pedals for distortion. I have friends who are die hard metal heads who swear by the Blackstar Dist X and I can totally understand why. Best of all you can bring the pedal around, and getting that same metal tone in jamming studios, live, whatever.
Don't buy a very expensive amp based on what Marty Friedman uses and end up scratching your head asking why I don't sound like any of those records at all.