Raya coundown

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all the muslim forum members here, maaf zahir dan batin, kosong-kosong, after Raya then we start flaming again. :mrgreen:
Ramadan will be ending in few moments

The sadness is running through the world, tonight, the whole world will pray, even Plants.
The gates That locked up the devils and demons will open.
Ramadan will be ending in few moments

The sadness is running through the world, tonight, the whole world will pray, even Plants.
The gates That locked up the devils and demons will open.

somehow it gave me gooosebumps!!!

30 mins more!!!!
countdown: 0 day/s!!!

safe day celebrate, sorry inside and outside, hope forgive my mistakes and accidentally rough language - my indian muslim fren ask me to transalate the message he received from his friend. this was my answer