Raya coundown

Before I forget, I would like to wish all Muslim Softies (Brothers and Sisters), Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin.......Rock On

Eh.. dude.. i live beside geylang sia.. no parking bros! nice la.. paid for season parking you know. Had to wait half hour to park at my ownb house!!!

Haha.. anyways..it's all good.. one last night .. for me to go buy my baju kurung before my colour runs out of stock, oh and one more night for burger ramly before i quite ramly-ing until next ramadhan (more harmful to your body than melamine in China milk).

To all muslim bros... Eid Mubarak.. Maaf Zahir Batin.
ah. i feel so guilty not fasting for alot of days for one reason or another but oh well.

Eid Mubarak ! :)

and may i get alot alot money .
Why is it sad for Ramadan month ending?

Its the holiest month in the Islamic calendar and also best time to 'score points' with the Almighty.

BTW, Selamat Hari Raya.

May the blessed occasion of Aidil Fitri grace you with happiness & fill your home with peace. (or "fill your pockets with ....") ;)

Have a safe raya.
Selamat hari raya!

yeahhhh!!! 1 and a half hour left!!! faster, countdown together!!


hehe :mrgreen: this year i full puasa again!​

"bila tiba hari raya...
semua insan bergembira..."