Raya coundown

lol seriously i dunno wat hari raya songs there are..
btw does anyone know about the solo Ady Cradle did during last year's hari raya concert at suria?
the one with this guy singing the a raya song..
i've been trying to find it at youtube but couldn't find it..
i just love the solo a lot.
You don't know?. There are a lot of songs. Turn on the radio to 94.2 or 89.7, you will surely hear them, repeating & repeating & repeating.

Yes, Addy Cradle did the solo to a Black Dog Bone song but only Jatt Ali was singing. I was hook to him playing, his natural flare and signature guitar looks awesome! :D

I saw the video before on youtube. Now cannot find leh. :(
haha u wanna noe the reason?
LOL because when we were younger we get more $$$!
now the adults see me also like, gosh this kid so big no need to give lah..
inflation osos might be a factor for dampening moods this year.haha.but well regradless we strived heard this month and hari raya is just a celebrtaiopn of that.ha just hope the hari raya show ds year hope its better than last.haha
Nabi Ibrahim sacrificed his son, Nabi Ismail. :)

ah yes thanks. their names just slipped my mind.

and personally, i feel that celebrating raya should never be about the money. haha. well, i only thought that recently as im older now, and i kinda "understand".. but ofcourse, a decade ago i would have said, "all i want is the money." jahaha.
Yesss ahhhhh Raya!!!!
the best part is jalan2 with all ur gengs....
but the worst part is when ppl come ur house and after that u have to help out in the cleaning.
the no mood for raya is for awhile only, only during few days before raya.

when raya comes. you will have the mood.