The Klein Guitar
Michael Hedges with the Klein Harp Guitar
I'm a big fan of the tones, designs, look and feel of the classic Stratocaster and Gibson Les Paul guitars and have over the years also developed much appreciation for the various hybrids and superstrats.... and then there's the Steinberger which led right up to KLEIN!!!
The Klein Electric because it's such a radical looking guitar for most players, myself included will initially be thrown off at first sight of it. It is only when you hold and play to get intimate with it for awhile sitting and standing will it reveal just how beautifully thought out and refined in design, make and playability the instrument is. Unlike most other traditional guitar designs whether seated or with a strap on the center of gravity of the Klein instrument is such that the 24th fret is right in the middle of one's solar plexus.
The angle and positioning of the neck is just incredibly well placed making chording and single lines from the nut position right up to the last frets very ergonomically placed. One could choose to comp jazz or thrash at it this guitar's designed to take it all with equal grace and power.
The tones from the instrument (as far as mine is concerned with Seymour Duncan 59's bridge and neck) ranges from warm low output humbucker Les Paul to sparkly Tele/Strat like. The neck's profile and dimensions in width and fret radius are just perfect to and for me. The Steinberger TransTrem as I've always maintained was and still is best tremolo design that has so much musical possibilities. The parallel transposing features of this bridge design makes the chordal bends sound always in tune and so steel guitar like.
How does it play and what's it best for? Well the Klein seems to respond to and somewhat encourages me to play anything (within n beyond my abilities) from subtle to brash. I find myself thinking and feeling more about the music than trying to replicate and should I choose to replicate when the need arises it still responds very well.
What amazes me most about this instrument is that unlike with the Strat and Les Paul it seems easier to play the Klein with more honesty, personality n intention. Playing any great icononic instrument without being subconciously influenced & obligated to play and sound like any of the greats that chalk up the long list of rock guitar history is difficult to totally avoid....Somehow with the Klein I've found my voice and if ever I feel like paying homage to the greats... or Guitar Hero I pick up the Strats and Les Pauls.