Pedal Mod enquiries (DS1 in this case):
Hi Echoist and others of similar queries...
Q1. i would like it to have more distortion/gain (with a flick of a switch?), not overly the top, maybe like an MT2 at 1-2 o'clock (why not get an MT2 then? hahahahhha...) and its got to be tight, with more lower mids.. the chugga riffs thing.
Ans: Dude, Two ways I'd suggest to go around this; 1. Get the MT2 because it's got 3 times the dist of a DS1. There's only so much gain you can tweak up within the DS1 before it turns to mush wich is way overly compressed unless that's wat u reli want. 2. Use a modded DS1 and roll down the tone and dist knob whilst maxing out the level knob and send the output to a raging fulltube stack amp. Dial in the master volume to the desired degree of crunchy punch.
Q2. at lower gain (another flick of the switch), i would like it to be more transparent. so i can do the wah-chucka cleanly without resorting to compressors. of course i play alot with my volume (and tone controls) during playing, and hope it can clean nicely, clearly..
Ans: It is possible to to mod the DS1 for less distortion with more transparent top end without the bloated bottoms to get a nice overdrive flavour. At certain settings some users claim it makes their neck humbuckers sound almost SRV like. Depending on the percentage of drive from pedal against amp you will find that you get a more effective cleaning up with rolling down of the gtr's volume knob when most of the drive is from the amp. The more drive you depend from the pedal the more rubbery it sounds with volume knob roll down action. The BD2 is one of the more unique pedals that does it better but not exactly the same as tubes. Most other Fuzz pedals tend to clean or dirt up too fast. It's that middle ground where that "i call it brunty" browny sound lies. Fascinating when u experience and learn to control it.
Q3. would love to have the Robben Ford sort of warmness, sustain. and still clean nicely when i cut the volume of my guitar. usually, i play with my tone controls to get that "sort-of" tone.
Ans: The Robben Ford, Larry Carlton, Eric Johnson, Jeff Beck and early Clapton kinda warmth is a very beautiful power tube saturation sound. To explain in simpler terms the sound is achieved with a fine player's touch and incredible control over picking dynamics and volume and tone knob tweaking and sometimes like in EJ's case, amp switching. Most players of this calibre you'll find use their drive pedals set as clean boost. Honestly I'm not so sure if the DS1 stock or modded is gonna solely let u achieve this if you are using the amp and setting differently. Hybrid amps that only use tubes in the preamp section will also not behave the same way as power tube saturation dynamics.
Q4. Ok, i know my requirements might border on the ridiculous and impossible with just one little orange pedal. But just enquiring if its possible... If its not, its fine coz i still have a number of pedals that can do the job close (sd1, rat 2, tech 21 xxl pedals). Just that i kind of believe you're able to mod "close" to the tones i dream of in a pedal after reading, and analyzing your answers/articles.
Ans: Yes dude, ur ideas are interesting but unfortunately not realistic la! Or would u rather hear me say "Yes Yes Yes I'll make it possiber just for U!" ???

The drive pedal is a powerful tone affecting component but does not ever make the entire tone alone ya.
Q5. I use 009-42 strings, and am not botherd with the thicker strings, better tone mentality. I use whatever amps is available in the studio, and not especially articular with brands, tubes.. Just that, they have to be 12" speakers. I don't use and own practice amps, because most of the time i get kicks out of recording my playing instead of practicing. And when recording, i just try to get sonic variations in tone/gain, and grab whatever is available. Usually stompboxes into Mac into virtual amp in clean setting.
Ans: Sounds radical and interesting that you have a method to your own tone maddness. I do hope you'll have an easy time replicating the sounds you think you hearing from your recordings in a live setting with different equipment.
More info about DS1 and mods solutions comin soon.