Ques. on E. Guitar Pickups. Advice needed! :)


New member
Hey people,

I know this is gonna sound damn noob but I kinda need help with my pickups.

I'm currently on an Ibanez RGR321EX and it's got the stock INF1 & 2 pups, neck and bridge respectively. It's too fuzzy for my liking cos I'm looking for sorta like a chunky sound, you might say ala Richard Z Kruspe. I know the easiest way is to get EMG 81/85, neck and bridge. Which is literally his setup on his ESP. but I was wondering if there are there any other alternatives?

I'd go to davis to get my guitar pups done, but they'll take 1-2 weeks to get my guitar done and the time is not something I'd like to waste. any other suggestions to get it done within a day or two, if not within a few hrs? (btw, I can't DIY)

Hope I can chime in some suggestions! thanks in advance guys!

heh, i know nuts about pickup..

but if getting the pickup from davis, maybe can get the pickup first and look for some other techie to wire the thing up. Theres some names frequently mentioned round here who might be able to help. Check with them perhaps thru phone or email and see how long it takes for the wiring and stuff(or wait a while more, there shud be other replies or thru pm on who can help, coming in)
weeks? they took a day to fixed the emg81/85 in the past.

but they are lots of different pickups out in the market , u dont have to go active to get a good crunch.
well if you are looking for SDs instead of EMG. theres Seekz and most likely it'll just take him less than a week?

and also, if your very keen on active.
you might want to check the Tesla's out.
available at Standard Value.
like aki said check the tesla's at SV or get tonedrive but im not sure if there are any distributors in SG.
Go to BeeZ man. He took minutes to do the pick up. But gotta arrange appointment before going. Haha!

Nice and friendly guy. He do have some SD / Dimazrio pickups at stock but if you have something that you really want. You might want to buy somewhere else then get him to fix it up for you. :)
Eh, his guitar doesn't have enough space for battery slot for the actives? Maybe thats why it'll take weeks? Anyway, actives aren't the only way to get crunchier sound. That I agree.

Consider getting a nice crunchy od pedal? Wouldn't that be better? What set-up are you currently using? Normally I would think getting a change of pick-ups would be because of clarity, and lack of guitar voicing...
hey guys!

Thanks for chiming in and offering your all your advice!

aki/dime > i know this will sound ignorant, but i've not been too exposed to teslas. i've used dimarzios and emgs before, so i kinda know their sound. i dun mind trying teslas, but are there any of their range you'd recommend? what's the cost on that..ex?

ethan > yeah i should go pay him a visit, haven't seen him in ages! haha

naviros > that was for my previous guitar actually. it was a LTD M-50. and they took about 1-2 weeks to get it done. including changing of strings. from my experience, it barely takes a day to get these things done. but they said the engineer was quite busy..so yeah. :(

and you are right. my guitar lacks the voice and tone, that's why i'm changing the pickups. too much fuzz/no body no matter how i EQ it. (i think i was spoilt by my EMG pups from my previous guitar) i'm currently on a X3 live, running into ableton live, post processing w/ Ozone.

harrisonyeo > yeah that's true. but i've tried non-active pups and it really didn't get what i wanted.

thanks again for all your advice! much appreciated!
Tesla's has only one active pickups so far so its shouldnt bard to spot them. plus their clean sounds better than EMGs (which in my opinion lacks characther)
Hi guys, i hijack this thread for a short while.... haha. Anyone here in soft brings in Dimarzio pickups? Thanks :)
excalibur u hijacker! hahaha no worries. was kidding around. :P no clue on dimarzios my friend.

aki> erm.. i know this is a bit hard to explain, but can you define, lack of character?

i've got another question tho... if i'm primarily using bridge pups, and i only change to a EMG-89 on that but leave the neck alone. would that be advisable? i've read that some people are against just changing one or the other, and it's said to go in pairs only. very much like rotating car tyres. :P

i called davis, they actually are willing to do it within 2-3 days for me. so i guess that's my way to go. better than my 1-2 week problem back then. :(
well in my opinion, EMG's active clean lacks the characther. you can D/L their sound samples and try to compare it to most of the SD's passive cleans. EMG cleans sounds abit thin, void, lacking any charactheristic. kind of monotone.
im sure many would agree to this.
of course there are some who loves the clean on EMG, like a fellow softie called Tidesofblood.

but overall its entirely up to you. its your taste, your guitar.
another mans junk might be another mans treasure.

and yeah, it would be advisable to change both at the same time.
aki>well, to be honest, i'm gettin' the emgs just for the chunk. dun usually play cleans. :S

also, what's the idea of changing both at the same time? will it affect the final output of the guitar even tho i'm only using the bridge pup? (please bear with me)

thanks bro aki.
well basically yeah,they have to level out the output. and they need to adjust the pickup height and all.
if you were to put one first, they will adjust..
and later one you put another one. they need to re-adjust.

not to mention you need to find your tone all over again..
good point aki. i'll keep that in mind. thanks for the advice. think eventually i'll go with the 81/89 or 81/81 config. still gotta sleep over it. haha
if you're decided on actives, another alternative is SD Blackouts. some say they're better than EMGs, some disagree.. just check it out anyway, who knows? :D they're going for 265 per set at davis if i'm not wrong. just for the sake of price comparison :)