Putting music on SOFT


Hey James,

I remembered that you were thinking about putting members´ music on the SOFT website. How´s that coming along? I thought it was a great idea, except that the wma encoding bit-rate you suggested was a little too low in my opinion. Did you get much responses from other members?
Hi Cheez

In fact, we have gotten very good response. So good that it made me think deeper into the legality part.

I know that most SOFT users would love to share their music be it promoting their effort or getting some feedback for their creation. But there might be some copyright issues and $$ involve.

Does anyone here know more about the legal issues involved? I know some SOFT users are law professionals, any advice?

Hmm. I don´t see any legal problems if the music are written/ composed by the members themselves. If they agree to post it on SOFT, then they are giving you permission to do that. If they don´t agree to share, then they don´t have to post them. Many music forums post their members´ music on their websites without any hassles. They do that, as you said, mainly to get constructive comments from other members. There are some who want to showcase their music, but then you already provided links to their own websites be it mp3.com or otherwise.