punk rock and emo

You're welcomed to still come to me should you need help with gear choices or guitar setups.

Notice I'm actually being respectful, not condesending, in my replies?
hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

sowie..i dun play the guitars since 1997.......

i`d stick to my bass....n no worries..i won`t come to u for any tips... :lol:

ur taste differs....n i dun judge music coz of their singing.... 8)
Re: hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

Thats heartening. Perhaps you would like to focus your attention on say, xavier87, just a few posts above instead of trying to pick up something with me?
hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

he`s still a kid...still have more to learn...i`m still learning also...not to say that i know everything.

but i was disappointed in u coz u`re conversing in such a way u know everything..BUT it`s the opposite...so yeah..u`ve made ur opinions...i`ve made mine.....

to me it`s fair..i`m not picking on u....not on anyone else.....
u`ve made a point which i think is totally irrelevant so i dun see that it`s a crime to type out my own personal view...

n yeah..wateva happened between me n fgl is none of ur concern....

dun speak as if everyone`s `below` u......

u wanna hate me..i`m ok with it...
u wanna kol me an idiot...suit urself...
Re: hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

FATCAT said:
oh yah...btw..F.Y.I...MCR,The Used,Saosin...Get Up Kids DO HAVE good vocals......

Ah, i noticed this!

I'll go check them out.

Thanks for the recommendations.

Am I missing a whole lot of something or did I fail my english?

What Emo bands have good singers/singing?

I'm talking Mr Big, Whitesnake and (older) Bon Jovi kind of good singing, not Simple Plan (don't know much emo bands) kind of hollering.


can Mr.Big...Whitesnakes`s...or even Mr.Jon Bon Jovi themselves gore or grind???

think b4 u type......

Please explain.

P.S. I do not think gore/grind is musical in any way.

ok...ur perception explains everything abt u....

Good. The world doesn't revolve you and your musicial tastes.

Retort :?: :
oh plz....dun flatter urself.....
at least i`m not shallow....
wat makes u think u have better taste than me

Question in response:
And what made you think that my replies imply I have better taste than you?

Answer :?: :
i seriously didn`t think like that.....i`d rather shoot myself...

And so on.
Are these people even speaking to each other or is one of them answering imaginary questions in his head?

:roll: :roll: :roll:
What's 1+1?
The sky is Blue.

What's that got to do with 1+1?

What made you think I was bugging you?


:roll: :roll: :roll:
stickin to the topic, i think the definition of punkrock and emo has "distorted" over the years. i'm not talkin about "selling out" (for you 'fulltime' punks). depends the environment you "grew up" in, if you're the oldschool timers you probably considered bands like The Who, Husker Du , Ramones etc as punkrock, then came the "next generation", greenday,offspring,mxpx,nofx,nufan,blink182 (this is the part where you oldsch full timers consider punkrock as selling-out) and however (from what I can remember) after that the trend came around with skapunk bands like less than jake,goldfinger,suicide machines etc, and then slowly for some reason everyone went into emo/punk with ataris,rufio, getupkids err namely these popular few cos I listen to underground bands. and by now the media somehow made it a trend and bands supposedly "poppunk" genre like simpleplan,goodcharlotte seriously sounded way different than they used to. one hit song bands like Story of the year, Lost prophets , SR71 etc came and went. and with bands like MyChemRomance (helena was a punkrockish music but with a gothic look?? then now they got some musicvideo with them as high school student wth) by now there's the whole "fashioncore" problem if you guys read the other topic , i guess thats how the market works as "selling an image", i guess the younger generation now see "punkrock" and "emo" in some sorta 'confused' perspective. I used to be a bigtime greenday fan, hearing someone mention in the earlier posts that they're EMO really kinda bums me out but that's just individual perspective which is alright.grunge is dead but they try to dig up gold by selling dead celeb's cds. punkrock soldout. emo ppl stopped crying and started "screaming" (screamo).old school rock became modern and went on american idol/rockstar inxs.reggae turned jewish (http://www.hasidicreggae.com/) and ska.. well could be the next target. haha. soon you'll see everyone wearing business suit at gigs with brief case etc.It's just phases.Everything's fusing into each other slowly like some mongrel music until the media's got nothing left to market. my boring point of view. 50¢ worth.

p.s : bassplaying cats and guitarplaying cows don't mix. :wink:
oii Fatcat, can i ask u, which Emo bands have awesome drumming ala Virgil Donati? I would appreciate your guidance very much!

-grabs popcorn and sits back-
hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

Vaiyen...dun push it...... 8)

n plz....i didn`t say i`m into emo n stuffs....
punkrock..YES...emo/emocore no more already....
so dun be a bitch n just sit back n stuff ur popcorn in ur face.....
My turn my turn!!!

*Grabs a Cadbury Twist*

P.S. Vaiyen, gimme a call when you free. Gotta inform you of an upcoming event.
ark - relax man don't rub it in la heheh.

fatcat - heheh ain't it the truth.

lets just stick to the topic now ppl. yes we know you can debate and outsmart each other post by post, yes obviously we know you're man enough to fight, but polite enough to holdback playing mindgames on softforum.but why break your hands and legs and MIND instead of using em for playing music instruments. soft forum would be a better place if ppl would just
- raise questions just to get answers (simple as that)
- raise issues/suggestions to get awareness for a positive outcome to improvise on something (soft forum/local scene/gigs etc) that can be done better.
- keeping an open mind that we all, (FORTUNATELY) , here, are different individuals. this is definitely not a place for you to bitch/whine about just to look for your comfy spot for ppl to agree with you. it is a place to read different opinions and understand "why do others look it that way? maybe they see something I don't".

and stuff like that.etcetcetcetcetc.
i talk too much. another 50¢ worth.
blueprintstudios said:
ark - relax man don't rub it in la heheh.

Well the fact that everyone seemed to be laughing after my post seems to imply that I lightened the situation, albeit in an unorthadox way :D
seriously, i would like to know of Emo bands who have good singers/singing.

I've listened to some of Fatcat's recommendations but its not my cup of "good singing" tea.

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