hailtothetrickster said:
what is it about parking lot pimp and ronin that they got contract offers?
Hi Mr Hail,
Well, I hope I can answer all your questions. Hadn't been on Forum for a long while, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see ppl here are more polite then before! Good! Good! Thus I hope to contribute my two cent worth of information.
1st of all, Pug Jelly is indeed Broken Up. Or so I was informed. Reason was not because they had 'made enough' money (when is enough? hahhaha). As much as I can share, let's say it was more of a personal situation that they are not able to play (well for now.. at least). They are still good buddies so as far as I know, there weren't any Major Disaggrement internally.

If u think that I'm one of the band or the groupies.. hahah. then u gotta read further.

But nevertheless, I think the Puggies were great people, despite I never agree with their music...mind ya, I'm a Punk too.
Let me help ya with the 2nd doubt/question of yours. Well, as sad as this music scene may seem, it's a Fact that Musical Creativity plays only a Minor part. I totally agree that many bands can play as well as bands like Electrico, Ronin etc.. however, one of the reason behind these unknown bands remaining unknown is simply because they do not know where the 'Contact' comes from. If you observed carefully, most organisers tends to rope in the same bands for their shows... Ever wonder why?
Here's a little info that might help you figure the Reality behind this Music Scene:
a) Part of Electrico comes from a very old band, LIVONIA (so their contacts are tremendously SOLID!)
b) The Observatory are built from (Ex-HUMBACK OAK which is a Pioneer in Indie Rock here, Ex-Padres-another Pioneer,Ex-Concave Scream-sounds familiar? members.) They do have more contacts with organisers then anything.
c) Ronin is probably one band that stand out without strong contacts.
See, Local Recording Deals are handed out to almost all these bands when they are ready to released with a proper recording. It's just a matter of having the Right Place, Right Time and Right Audience.
Pug Jelly didn't have a 'Recording Deal' with Universal. They HAD a 'Distribution Deal'. Now u know the difference?
Please do not get me wrong. I'm not flaming any of the above mentioned bands. In fact, I think they deserved what they are getting (awards, 'contracts' etc..) But my point to you and to those who might feel as doubtful as you. It's not impossible to get your band unto some contract with big labels. They are not as big as a deal if you compare them to Shows like 'AirHead-starring Brendon Fraser' or bands like Guns N ROses or Simple Plan. If you really think your band is up for it, simply find out who are these 'Head Hunters', get your band a good Folio to present to them. Talk to them, 'SELL' them your songs, bands' image like you are selling OSIM products. If you have a sweet tongue, you are halfway there.
Ops. I guess I've blab too much.
I hope I've answered this 2 page long topic about PUG JELLY and other blabbery topics.