Pug Jelly break up?

three piece pop punk band...urgh...i hate pop punk bad like simple plan pug jelly and GC...they are boybands to me...sorrie PUGS i noe u are locals...i just dont like pop punks
A "Singaporean Local" Band consisting of 2 Caucasians guys and 1 Chinese guy.
They opended for Blondie and Simple Plan this year.
Pug Jully and Lucid Reality have the best set of groupies attendin their gigs man... :smt103

I wish my band had such groupies.. :smt090
penta-tonic said:
u can if u 'sell out' but screw selling out. in sg punk rock shouldnt exist. not as if we haf sum crazy gov oppressing us.

com'on la.... punk rock itself is not wrong.. only how u look at it.. den u mean singapore bands should onli play metal? or rock?

just play what u like lah....... dont diss people's genre.. :)

why pple die die must associate punk music with punks ah...... just music la?! like pop, techno... if u say u dont like the way punk music are.. ok.. fair enuff lor...
What is Sell Out anyway?? I only know of bands that change direction sooo dramatically that it changes their whole sound and image which leaves the fans cold and deserted... Plus nowadays Pop Punk songs r usually themed on teenage angst and romances...
penta-tonic said:
u can if u 'sell out' but screw selling out. in sg punk rock shouldnt exist. not as if we haf sum crazy gov oppressing us.

well..but its all to each their own lah..
if we're jst talkin bout music its gotta be universal..
i aint punk...but hell i listen to them simply cos its music only of a diff genre

RATM is a largely vocal band that defies what their government does..yet many respect that band not cos of what they believe in..but rather the uniqueness of their songs and genre... :D
If u look gd in a tank top and tight jeans then u r welcome to be one man~! :smt112

LoL~!! :lol:

Adora got groupie?? Wah... But got no Cavett groupie ah... :smt085
HAHAHA... This thread is leading way way off and the funny thing is that the original poster's question has not been answered yet... :smt082

ok from what i know..Pug Jelly used to take part in the 2003 Battle of the Bands at Jams the Club. but they used a diff moniker namely "BitchSlap"
they won 2nd. i think so lah..2nd or 3rd

well..if they did break up...considering how far they went in $ingapore's music scene..the local bands shud strive to be where they were...

ok. but they have a no. 8 single on perfect 10 chart now. but from what i hear, they have broken up. oh boy.
which will be next band to step up to plate? i know ronin, parking lot pimp (reformed Urban Exchange), and B-Quartet recording albums now.

bleah. i don't like punk rock anyway.

no offence to punksters, but punk used to be about anti government and politics. now it's just about brats and high school.
pug jelly plays pop punk which is much diffrent frm real punk rock...like dead kennedys, the unseen blah2...these bands sing aboout rascism, opression and authortism and mostly peace...

nowadays people might think that punk rock is love and teenage stuff...THERE ARE STILL LOADS OF punk rawk band playin their music other than love
hailtothetrickster said:
which will be next band to step up to plate? i know ronin, parking lot pimp (reformed Urban Exchange), and B-Quartet recording albums now.

I heard PLP has finished recording and even mastered the album. Just waiting for the marketing campaign to kick off within the next 2 mths. Crap, everyime I was supposed to catch them live, I end up drinking... :oops:

BUT! B-Quartet is almost done with their recording! Can't wait! :D