pre-SALE (July 06) discussion: Gibson/ Epiphone

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Macademia said:
hey, was just wondering. nomrally, what is the earliest time people start queuing at swee lee the day b4 the sales? ty bro.

maybe 7pm on the previous day..
im uber afraid of Epiphone now.. so no Epiphone for me right now.. i might jus wanna get a hardcase & guitar stands.. that shud sum it up for now..
never mind la, for the fun of it.. i mean its so kewl.. even for jus 1 nite.. we shud make this a half-yearly soft event if possible..
subversion said:
apologies- the correct list price for the current Les Paul Std is $6K double cut version is $5K. :oops:

current batch of LP Stds are post-2002. proof: Burst Bucker pickups. 60s neck option available...

hey bro, a few queries abt the Gibsons that will be on sale:

1) are there any Standard Fadeds (Tobacco burst, i hope)?
2) what colors do they have for the double cuts?
3) any Desert Burst for the standard?

*Faded LP- only one left, the one @ BB showroom (50s neck)
*double cuts- all burst finishes: light/ desert/ honey
*Std finishes: desert burst/ honey burst/ wine red/ gecko/ goldtop (50s neck)/ root beer (50s neck)

i have a set of p94s in my Les Paul Classic. Tonewise, they DO NOT sound exactly like p90s. Similar but not exactly. You get more bite and top end than humbuckers with the p94s. But if you compare to say p90s in a Junior or special, the maple top of the Classic does affect.

If you realllly so anal abt the p90 tone then get one that has p90s in the first place. And dun get the p100s they sound nothign like p90s at all.

and im guessing you wanan sound like greenday, do note u need a marshall.
Hey ciel, thanks for telling about the P94 and yea...I wanna sound close to Green Day...not totally like 'em but close......I have a Marshall MG15CDR but obviously that won't bring me anywhere close...maybe something with a head and cab will help...
bestest old marshall combos are the jcm800/900 combos. need 2nd hand though dun make anymore.
XJAPAN said:
neuro care to say why you scared of epiphones? thx..

cuz mine got lotsa problems.. the hooks came off after awhile.. the pickups got quite a fair share of feedback (not sure if it shud be the case for their humbuckers) etc.

i would rather save up for an ibanez gio or squier anyday.
Hi sub , do you have any idea how many ZW models are there in BB ?? I plan to get one on the 1st of july , but i am afraid it is outta stock . Pls update me . Thanks
i was with sub today @ swee lee & i onli see 1 unit of ZW Buzzsaw LP Custom.. maybe they got got some more in stock..
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