
^Haha, my personal opinion is that post rock is all about freedom of expression. I find that lyrics ironically limits the boundaries of what post-rock is able to achieve, as the listener is more or less limited to the lyrics within the context of the song.

I don't think post-rock was ever about making it big either....its all about no holds barred self-expression :D
are we allowed self-promotion here?

anyway, one name that hasn't come up yet: From Monuments to Masses. "our little known frequencies" has something different on offer, in my opinion.

Oh, and This Will Destroy You. "Young mountain"!

And yes, check out the KittyWu online store...heh
Sunn O))), I only started listening to them recently.
Really like Monoliths & Dimensions, so different from their previous CD's.
i had the pleasure of watching this will destroy you in texas last march...and they were loud as hell. to the point where i thought my ears were going to bleed. hahah.

anyway, there have been a lot of misconceptions on the whole post rock thing, i feel...since most people would automatically categorize as something being post rock just as long as the music is completely devoid of vocals, which in my honest opinion, is not necessarily the case. the whole post rock genre, comes with a whole different feel and aesthetic. i've been listening to the new baroness record, and the feeling i get from it is similar to when i would listen to mogwai's batcat. now i wouldn't go out and tell the whole world that baroness is post-rock because obviously they are not and my opinion is coming from a very personal level, but i would pretty much define post-rock as anything that is progressive, interesting, new and refreshing. and i guess, this whole thing is pretty subjective but i am interested to find out if anyone feels the same way.

hope everyone is enjoying what's left of their weekend!
This will destroy you is also a personal favourite of mine.
" I believe in your victory" and " threads" is a must listen everyday for me.
are we allowed self-promotion here?

anyway, one name that hasn't come up yet: From Monuments to Masses. "our little known frequencies" has something different on offer, in my opinion.

Oh, and This Will Destroy You. "Young mountain"!

And yes, check out the KittyWu online store...heh

No...but bashing is is kvltz

kidding lol....Yeah respect to Kitty Wu! Love the bands that they have like ATC and In Each Hand A Cutlass.
amberhaze: Don't forget your personal favourite JESU. Justin Broadrick FTW!

and here's something i read from Concave's interview with agingyouth
Did you guys have to readjust yourselves to playing instrumental tunes? Was it a different sense of freedom?

Pann: In fact, I find it less stressful without having to harmonize. Just focus on what I play and enjoy the journey! Yes, it’s freedom!

Sean: It was, for sure, a breath of fresh air. A lot of exchange of ideas took place while we worked on this album. The mindset and approach was different from when we were working on our previous albums but it wasn’t that much of a readjustment because it felt good. :)

Full interview found here:

So there you have it... whether it's with words or without words.. as long as you find joy in the journey the music takes you. :p

Thanks for the props people... we'll keep doing what we do as long as you guys love the music.

it's the first artist i mentioned at the beginning of the thread, bro e bro :)
Though I also agree that strict adherence to terms or genres can be limiting sometimes.
Happy Apple is a good example: it's one of Dave King (the drummer of The Bad Plus)'s bands, and each musician has a completely different background (indie/electronic, jazz, and metal). And it's almost pointless to try and decide whether it's more jazz or post-rock or fusion or whatnot, expect that it's very, very good!
if the idea of post, in post rock is the definition of things that come after rock music in general, as define by some famous dude as energy from the waist down, then perhaps, we should have lotsa tolerance for music and start listening to music as collection of notes with pitches that resonate and not genre and differences.

let the classifications be among the metalheads and their "my metal is longer and harder than you rock and metal" counterpart.

in this thread, even if not post rock as defined by the general thinking public, let it be a thread of sharing and giving the "post" in post rock a sense of surpassing and beyond. Instead of revisiting old classfication of music.
goodness i can't believe joey started this thread. but yeah joe if u need the albums i can pass them to you. i have all of albums from the artists mentioned above.
if the idea of post, in post rock is the definition of things that come after rock music in general, as define by some famous dude as energy from the waist down, then perhaps, we should have lotsa tolerance for music and start listening to music as collection of notes with pitches that resonate and not genre and differences.

let the classifications be among the metalheads and their "my metal is longer and harder than you rock and metal" counterpart.

in this thread, even if not post rock as defined by the general thinking public, let it be a thread of sharing and giving the "post" in post rock a sense of surpassing and beyond. Instead of revisiting old classfication of music.

lets try not to make this into some academic discussion of the definition of post rock like in probably if you posted this there, you will be under fire in no time. lots of self-righteous, self-declared musical academics there haha.
iam not sure how you interpret what i wrote, but in simple english, i just want to say, in reponse to the thread on sunno))) and it being not postrock, lets share music in this post and not compare your music not postrock while my postrock is postrock.

perhaps you have seen it in the opposition direction of what i meant to write. My bad.
iam not sure how you interpret what i wrote, but in simple english, i just want to say, in reponse to the thread on sunno))) and it being not postrock, lets share music in this post and not compare your music not postrock while my postrock is postrock.

perhaps you have seen it in the opposition direction of what i meant to write. My bad.
Have you listen to any of Sunn o)) stuff?

Back to the topic, for post rock I listen to:

Explosion In The Sky
Yndi Halda
A Silver Mt. Zion