poll: what u want in a studio


Bukit Batok, Panjang being served by Alvron I believe. There was a studio about 5 years ago along the upper bukit timah stretch but somehow it closed down. Wonder why.

Lots of pedals? You Octopus prime huh? that dispensing machine idea though is a blast. Yo JAPAN!!! whatcha waiting for?
I'd like to see pix of scantily clad women on the walls ala some contruction / shipping companies etc.... :wink:
alvron is one of the worst studios i've ever been to.

the guy with specs manning the counter lacks proper manners, lacks technical knowledge (at least enough to know where a spare sustain pedal is kept, and to understand that midi cables don't spoil keyboards), and is downright rude.

at the end of the jam, we ended up in a 3 way quarrel with him, the ladyboss and our band. suffice to say, i've never been back ever since.

If they wanan sell it, I might take over. hahahhah

So near my house, it be a dream work place. After work go next door got pub. Whahaahahha

But why are they so pissed off man with the clients? too loud? Too irresponsible? Too young??????

Hiya. they are still around so they must be doing something right.

Anyways, what I want in a studio....hmmmmmm

I want responsible musicians who can learn how to play not too loud. And I mean loud as in not everything also 10. Yes there was one.....

Cheers .........
darren: the location is perfectly right, that's why they're still around. you should offer to buy the place from them. soundmix rocks!
Wah!!! You guys make operating a jamming studio sound so glamourous and profitable!!!

Let's do a summary. Can anyone guess how many jamming studios are there is S'pore. It's actually more than anyone can expect. A handcount on the listed ones already about 30 at least by my estimate. I expect the number to be about 50 or so.

Quite a lot actually like maybe 2 studios will open monthly and maybe 1 studio will go bust within the month. So like yearly got 24 new studios and 12 existing ones will close.

Justr an estimate.
Re: location

Darren said:
Lots of pedals? You Octopus prime huh? ?

HAHAH wads an optupus prime? haha japan. ... they need permission frm me cos its my idea or i can sue them lol kiddin. hahah.

open at holland v nicer. 2min walk frm my place .
mikemann wrote: Wah!!! You guys make operating a jamming studio sound so glamourous and profitable!!!

if jamming studios are not profitable...why do we always have problem booking the date and time that we wanted.

if jamming studios are not profitable... why do they still exists? seriously for passion only wont work rite ... surely got some money to gain also rite?
How bout a tape recording facility? Boon studio used to hv dat in every 1 of the studio room. Maybe jus a portable or normal tape recorder so dat bands can record their stuff and can do some song arrangements.

MD is very good but its very expensive and also very sensitive. Maybe its jus a suggestion or its a dumb idea.

Its very useful if ur band r those dat create thru inpromtu style. Jus jam n u hv a basic structure of the song.

Btw...jus suggesting.......... :P

Yo FunkyRose,
Believe it or not, its for the passion. I like it when people say the studio is damn cool or they go all wide eyed. Of course there will be some profits lah, but most of it goes back in for maintenance and upgrade anyways. Mikemann wrote if you read it carefully, so glamorous and profitable. The word 'so' applies to profitable too. If you cant book the date or time you want, the studio is profitable?
I am still holding a day job. You wanna try working from 830 to midnight everyday and still keep your cool when it comes to payout and then you notice that this amp needs fixing that guitar needs new pickups, drums need new skin or worst new cymbals, aircon is leaking.... FWAH LAU eh! it never ends.
It is definately better now as more people hear about us,and I intend to give back more to the musicians as we go along.
Sure I thought it was easy money HA! NOT! Truth is, I may not see my investment back, but I havent complained yet.
So please, dont say the life here is a bed of roses until you have slept in it.
I know this is out of the thread topic and I apologise to those who find this boring or even hedonistic. But I feel it has to be known that if we(or I) prosper, you will too.


Auntie Oi....thai girl jit ki!