EvilGtr said:
ha ha honestly am contemplating it.... it's only a rental of 500 per month
1 month deposit + 1 month rental = 1k
4 X cheap guitars = about 800?
2 X cheap bass = about 500?
2 X drum sets = 1.6k?
Soundproofing = 2000 for 2 average sized rooms
4X guit amps = 4k?
2X bass amps = 2k....
i think agak 20k with miscellaneous utilities etc would be safe to be in operation liao.... kekee
but if wan a cafe within the area would mean more capital and licensing i think lol
but then again charging 15/hr how long before i recover 20k? :?
Your soundproofing costing is way off mark man.

A single good soundproofed door by itself costs $2000-$5000. The one at Yamaha costs much more. Do you need to make soundproofed partitions? How about outfitting of aircons. Cannot use cheap or old aircons, especially those with low BTUs like those u find in HDB rooms (7000 BTU only). The higher the BTU, the higher the cooling power. The cooling need of a jamming room is higher compard to a bedroom or office. This is because the room will be generating a LOT of heat... not just due to animated bodies, but all the amps and what not being turned on. The higher the BTU, the higher the price lah. THIS IS WHY MANY JAMMERS FIND THAT MANY STUDIOS HAVE AIRCONS BUT FOR SHOW ONLY... cos not cool enuf... Which floor will you be in? If you are NOT on the ground floor, you have to soundblock the floors. At least 10K per room (just for the floors). If you are really serious to get into this business, I suggest you go talk to a good contractor who knows soundproofing business, not any CONtractor. I suggest you talk Roland (contractor from Swee Lee).
By the way how many years lease? This looks to be a 1 year lease only (cos the deposit is only for 1 mth). Scary you know. If owner decide to kick you out after one year, your investment go down the drain. Will there be any legal document signed by a lawyer? You may want to talk to a lawyer.
You also forgot many equipment for the studios - cymbals (not cheap), double pedals, cables, PA systems (mics, mic stands, board, speakers), keyboards, keyboard stands, guitar stands. Music stands. And for all these, backups, so that if something spoil, your business can go on without dissing your customers.
Next have you contacted the owner of the space? Dont be surprised if they balked at jamming business. Some just dont like it cos wait kena complain by neighbours, cos no matter how much u soundproof, there will be leakage for sure.
I dont think you can charge $15 per hour lah. Maybe $8-$10 like mikemann's studio. There are studios charging $15 per hour which uses marshall stacks and yamaha drumsets. Your budget doesnt seem to allow you to outfit a studo for a $15 p/hr price and if people dont find you good value for money, they will not come.
You must also visit as many studios as possible. See what they are doing right and how they are not. See if you can offer a niche. If you just want to setup a studio for the sake of making easy money, you will be disappointed.
Then there are of course the hidden costs which you as an entreprising entreprenuer will have to find out yrself :}
Good luck!