Photo (gear) gallery 2008

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Maybe.. Haha.. Then I'll just have to leave it to Goose perhaps? Even if I contact the pedalbuilder, sending the unit back would be costly.. Nothing I can do about it now..

no i didnt mean sending it back to the builder. i meant giving him feedback so his next few batches wouldnt be so messy and its good for him and his next customers right? although it wouldnt benefit u, it would to other buyers. no harm right? since u dont bother abt the insides anyway.



2nd and 3rd pics blur though. This baby sounds good! (clean boost)
And it is damn transparent (if you set it to be)..

Man the booster you just bought reeks boutique! Hahaha.. How does it sound?
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aha, it sounds great. exactly what i need, pretty transparent, i only need a volume boost for solos. This one adds abit of dirt and hair to my tone for solos. In a good way that is.
Looks cool, as in the SHO clone.

Godspeed64: lol, kinda messy on the innards :mrgreen:

dont take offence to what widdly said......its all fair game like what they say!
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