My 2nd 20th Anniversary Silhouette... But the difference is, this one has premium grade flame (flame is a bit curly...), rosewood fretboard, tremolo and a piezo bridge. 1 out of 13 worldwide.
The 20th Anniversary Silhouette is the BEST guitar I have ever tried/owned... That's why must have 2... Might not stop at 2 though... Heheh...
You guys have some incredibly sweet axes and great shots as well.
Here is my latest acquisition. (it's got abit of folk history)
@Godspeed64: been running it through my tubezone and avt50 and i like what i'm hearing so far.. very nice full and warm tone coming out of it, and excellent sustain!
woah the flametop on the rosewood board one's looking good!
eh.. 1.9k.. lol burned a huge hole in my pocket.. lucky it was spaced out over 5 months
i thought it was a hamer.LOLbro, 1.9k on this beauty is definitely justifiable! aNYway the flrst look at your guitar resembles that of a page hamilton (helmet) model from esp.. Nice one!
here goes nothing..
Gretsch 6120DSW & 6136T White Falcon (with TV Jones Powertron pickups)