Photo (gear) gallery 2008

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i forsee more single pickup guitars in my line-up in time to come, but it's these 2 in the mean time:

subversion bro... how many axes u got now man????

do u sell any of them?

currently: 27....

have sold:
*Ibanez SZ320
*Gibson LP Studio
*Ibanez SAS36
*Ibanez S540
*Squier Affinity Strat

also sold away these basses:
*Ibanez GAXB
*Squier Affinity P-Bass
Sub, I'll like to hear your views on single humbucker guitars.

Do you feel a difference in the way the strings vibrato? Any difference in the guitar's resonance?

How about the sound? Harmonics come out louder?

Basically - what differences do you hear and feel with single humbucker guitars.
Ditto above. I'm kinda guilty with 4 axes.....too many for me I thought. But now I feel much much better! Thanks, sub bro.....27 guitar salutes to you! :D

it's a matter of needs more than tonal intrigue- i seldom utilize the other pickups while playing, i'm beginning to be content with minimum offerings... growing old...
bro sub

27 guitars !!!!wow man...*kow tow*

now I've good a very good reason to tell my wife why I need another 25 more guitars..
currently you are my guitar hero...hehehehehe
yes..47 guitars... must be the softie with the largest collection ...

max I ever had any any one time was 17 but that was years ago - now just left with 3
wow subbie... i'm still way behind you. i got only 20 with another 3 waiting to be assembled. Most of em are relatively inexpensive guitars though.
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