Well-known member
my new gear for 2010: ibanez joe satriani signature model
picture speaks for itself =D
holy smokes.
you must have real fun with those toys man, damage?
my new gear for 2010: ibanez joe satriani signature model
picture speaks for itself =D
Wow... someone is a serious Satriani new gear for 2010: ibanez joe satriani signature model
picture speaks for itself =D
how much did you buy it and at where?
how much did you buy it and at where?
sorry guys ive moved to the other side.
wah james i really dig the last photo mannnnn
LOL... Got pro photographers in S.O.F.T. also sia... haha...50mm f1.8
Think I dunno.. hehe
sorry guys ive moved to the other side.
nice jamess... for me, you are missing out a maple fretboard too hahaha. but that vintage white is making me miss my old strat, i promised myself i will get myself something vintage white again in future.. i wanna chomp down into that white chocolate goodness!
bass is an awesome instrument and you will definitely improve very much musically when you start to pick up the ropes of bass (hopefully not just 4/4 chugging on emo punk songs).
the last picture you took is cool!
armageddonn2, your setup looks wicked! must have cost you bomb. a big Satch fan?
our bassists has fully migrated from the youth ministry to the adult ministry so.. hahaha yeah i need to fulfill some bass duties.
haha no la, i've needed one for awhile. and it's good to have so i can practice. my bass chops are noob to the max.