i saw marty fried man!
i was checkig out the roland rs 70 again, at swee lee sims drive, and was so engorssed in one of the techno strings patches, that i never realise that the staff was setting up a signing booth jsut 3 meteres away away from me for marty friedman's guitar signing/autograph session!
wa lan!!!! so paiseh..i was humping away like mad on the keyboards..i bet marty must have tot i was a techno siao ah beng.!
anyway, wheni finished playing with the rs 70, he already began signing, but wat surprised me was that less than 3 or 4 people came, infact, i think only 3 people came jsut to get his autograph or take pictures, the rest of the people just happen to be in the shop.
another funny incident was, while the staff was getting ready a few guitars for him to sign, they realise that they were short of one guitar, i guess they panicked of a while, in the end, the guitar was found at the end of the swee lee roomm, near the amps section, being played ard by three kids!(ard 12-13 yrs old) . they totoally bochup friedman, obviously they dun even noe who he is, well maybe ten years down the road they will realise they just missed seeing a gem.
too bad i didnt bring anything for him to sign.
and back to something more relevent to this thread. i realsied that the juno D is almost the same as the roland rs 50( rs 70 without sequencer). juno d is lighter, yet the keys action is noticably better, than the rs 50 or 70.
hm...and i cant see any difference btw the juno d 61 and rs 50 , ...