Online Fingerstyle Ukulele Class

Daniel Youtube Thumbnail-8.jpg

Our Intermediate Ukulele Online Class of this batch is coming to an end. The good news is there will be a new Intermediate Online Ukulele Course where you can learn various topic about ukulele (sometimes about melody variation, sometimes about solo playing, sometimes about fingerstyle techniques, sometimes about some specific grooves, ukulele special tricks, etc) in fun & inspiring class!

Some snippet from the batch before :

"When is the next batch?"
6 November 2021 - 5 February 2022 (we are off on Christmas and New Year)
Saturdays 3-4.30pm (Singapore Time)
Total 12 meetings @1.5 hrs

Prerequisite :
Participant needs to have understood "Solfege" concept and be able to play it in C major and F major scales (this course is designed to sharpen your ukulele skill).

This round we'll be sharing about :
1. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
A perfect playful song for the wonderful season

2. Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen)
One of the famous songs that ukulele players cover

3. Yesterday Once More (The Carpenters)
Some Carpenters Classic that everyone loves

With these songs students will learn some solo fingerstyle concept that uses thumb, index, middle & ring finger, various techniques and rhythmical concepts.

All meetings will be recorded exclusively for the class to review.
Class size : 10-30 pax

For registration :
For SG residents (transferable via paynow/paylah, I'll dm you my mobile's number) :
SGD 350/pax or SGD 670/2 pax
For International Participants (transferable via PayPal to ) :
Same rate as above but with additional USD 5 or SGD 7 per transfer for PayPal International Fee

Share this with your friends and see you in our fun class. I'll see you ZOOM!
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Our Intermediate Ukulele Online Class of this batch is coming to an end. The good news is there will be a new Intermediate Online Ukulele Course where you can learn various topic about ukulele (sometimes about melody variation, sometimes about solo playing, sometimes about fingerstyle techniques, sometimes about some specific grooves, ukulele special tricks, etc) in fun & inspiring class!
Daniel Youtube Thumbnail-40.jpg

Some snippets from the past :

"When is the next batch?"
12 February 2022 - 7 May 2022 (we are off on Easter Weekend)
Saturdays 3-4.30pm (Singapore Time)
Total 12 meetings @1.5 hrs

Prerequisite :
Participant needs to have understood "Solfege" concept and be able to play it in C major and F major scales (this course is designed to sharpen your ukulele skill).

This round we'll be sharing about :
1. That's Amore
2. Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head
3. Tegami

With these songs students will learn some solo fingerstyle concept that uses thumb, index, middle & ring finger, various techniques and rhythmical concepts.
All meetings will be recorded exclusively for the class to review.
Class size : 10-30 pax

For registration :
For SG residents (transferable via paynow/paylah, I'll dm you my mobile's number) :
SGD 350/pax or SGD 670/2 pax
For International Participants (transferable via PayPal to ) :
Same rate as above but with additional USD 5 or SGD 7 per transfer for PayPal International Fee

Share this with your friends and see you in our fun class. I'll see you ZOOM!
Ukulele is indeed a very versatile instrument, not only for playing some basic patterns, but it's also a fun instrument to play Classic Disco...get your dance shoes ready ��

I and a group of my students were glad to have the opportunity to participate for Singapore Heart Foundation's event at Tanah Merah Country Club. Here's some snippet where I played live music solo ukulele of a Classic Disco number of ABBA,"Dancing Queen" :

If you already strum chords on ukulele & want to learn how to play chord & melody simultaneously on a ukulele, here is the right class for you :

In this class I will reveal the logic of solo fingerstyle ukulele playing, it's fun, inspiring and rewarding training course. International participants are welcome too as it's online (all meetings are recorded exclusively for class review).
It's so satisfying to see the progress of my students. After quite some time learning in the class they are able to apply some logical solutions in for other songs, and that's the goal of the learning process.

Here's our students played a folk song "Burung Kakak Tua" and "Invisible Wings" by Angela Zhang -

Upcoming Solo Fingerstyle Ukulele Course :

Let's have fun together and make some progress on your ukulele learning journey.
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Is there any ukulele ensemble group lesson in Singapore? There is!
We did ukulele ensemble performance too and now we're back to looking forward to our next ukulele ensemble again!

I was sharing my vision of having a ukulele ensemble in the online Strum & Pluck Ukulele Class last week. In this video I shared about the benefits of ukulele ensemble. Something rewarding when you do it together with a bunch of people, you've got some support while you become a support to your group too. And the achievement feeling when you've accomplished the mission together is a worthy experience.

Check this link out to get a clear picture of how we do ukulele ensemble :

As you could see from my latest videos that recently I've been having good musical fellowship with some friends in some spontaneous jam session. As much as I love playing solo ukulele, I can't neglect the communal side of music too. It's like life, it's relational.

Beside improving your personal musicianship (rhythm accuracy, listening sensitivity, personal skill, memory, concentration, etc) & collective growth in music making (supporting each other, learning to lead & being led, focusing on our part while monitoring other parts, learn to walk together as team, etc), ensemble is also somehow therapeutic and recreational too. It's a fun thing that makes you looking forward to meeting your friends. After 2.5 years our Intermediate Ukulele Course is now back at Bishan Community Club

I'll share & train music through ukulele in ensemble format in this course. Keep your passion alive in community & grow together with the like minded friends!

Register ukulele lesson at Bishan Community Club here :
Check my page here :


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Playing solo ukulele is fun, we could put some musical elements & blend it into a musical piece. Some years back I did a cover of a Chinese New Year song that I taught them in class too :
Online Solo Fingerstyle Ukulele Course #3 - For those who want to learn solo ukulele, here's the upcoming course that you should consider. See you in our fun & inspiring class

Don't forget to share the news to your contacts too.
Some upcoming repertoire :