OM: Scarified Video

haha.. made ur day ? haha.

u make my day by covering great stuff also ! ha

will be waiting for the next recording .. LTE's paradigm shift?
siva said:
haha.. made ur day ? haha.

u make my day by covering great stuff also ! ha

will be waiting for the next recording .. LTE's paradigm shift?

yea LTE's paradigm shift's next.... if i pull it off that is!
Vaiyen said:
you 2 should jam together!

talking about jamming.... when on earth are we gonna jam together? lol we've known each other for like coming to 2 years now and u've only played twice with me.... and everytime wanna jio u its like so difficult! :?
actually yes!! where will it be? i would love to watch u guys play! I knock off at 6 so maybe i can just pop in to listen for a song or two! :wink:
gurus? who? :? anyway as per my sms to dan i will only be able to pop in to listen to you guys play a song or two as i only finish work at 6.... sigh. BUT make sure that you guys perform the most POWER piece for my viewing/listening pleasure ya? what's the genre anyway? metal? my guess is metal cos dan is a metal freak eheh and since he's coming along so... eheh see you guys tom!

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