Older softies above 30

whahaha? you think soft will still be alive in 9 more years?
coz maybe then i can comment about live in the 30s

Wah wanna die faster izzit, hahahahaha ! talk like that har? …… Of course Soft will still be alive, James is only 25 years old now (since balloons says bro fgl looks only '28)….

hey i heard rork moved out of soft?

Oh izzit? Anyway it is very common for people to move in and out of Forums (Happens in any forums)…He’ll be back, maybe he is just too busy nowadays….Hehehehe

So which softies are from 35-45?

don't be shy,

Me ley ? hello, hello…..I’m 47 lah, so I must be bery shy …. Kekekeke…
Careful Aki S. Ian. We are not old. We are very youthful and young at heart! Don't say "old" until one reach 60... :)
Cheez, i was joking...

haha. as they say, life begins at 60.
i do agree. its when your retired and no longer a slave to work..