when we were young,we have our ideals and ambitions..the world is a canvas for us to paint,scribble,vandalized or _______________ (fill in whatever you deemed fits)
then you became itchy...and before long you are saying " I DO "..
actually the " I DO " is make or break situation..life and death scenario because " I DO "
means " I do everything,something,nothing and ______ (fill in whatever you deemed fits)"
and then you are sucked into the rat race..whether you like it or not..the bottomline is always about profit and results + career advancement
putting food onto the table and having a roof over your head became putting food onto the table for your loved ones and having a roof over your loved ones' head...its responsibility..
jamming/playing gigs is a secondary issue.some of us are blessed to have music as a form of income supplement, some don't..
some of us are just burnt out by this rat race..tired for a jamming session..
so most of the time,I just gather a few kakis,jammed on certain weekends just for the fun of it,everybody play what instrument they like and after 2 hours, chill at any nearby kopitiam with Marlboros/ kopi-o kosong or some other brews..
a "must" song during jamming---Black magic woman--reason..so can "cha-cha" abit..hehehehe