Older softies above 30


New member
I noticed that almost every band in the musicians wanted/available section are in their teens or early 20s. There are not many older softies (30s and above) here, seems like these people are either big time musicians who don't want to hang out here or have stopped playing completely due to family and work commitments.

Or are they simply keeping quiet all these while?

Please feel free to comment :)
probably the older fellas have less time in their hands to participate in forums.

There are more important things in life esp when you hit the big 30.... :mrgreen:
when we were young,we have our ideals and ambitions..the world is a canvas for us to paint,scribble,vandalized or _______________ (fill in whatever you deemed fits)

then you became itchy...and before long you are saying " I DO "..
actually the " I DO " is make or break situation..life and death scenario because " I DO "
means " I do everything,something,nothing and ______ (fill in whatever you deemed fits)"

and then you are sucked into the rat race..whether you like it or not..the bottomline is always about profit and results + career advancement

putting food onto the table and having a roof over your head became putting food onto the table for your loved ones and having a roof over your loved ones' head...its responsibility..

jamming/playing gigs is a secondary issue.some of us are blessed to have music as a form of income supplement, some don't..

some of us are just burnt out by this rat race..tired for a jamming session..

so most of the time,I just gather a few kakis,jammed on certain weekends just for the fun of it,everybody play what instrument they like and after 2 hours, chill at any nearby kopitiam with Marlboros/ kopi-o kosong or some other brews..

a "must" song during jamming---Black magic woman--reason..so can "cha-cha" abit..hehehehe
maybe its because the above 30 year old guys,girls have more commitments like family,work and stuff like that....
for the record,im above 30 and still playing music..my wife is fully supportive of me playing music.
i have frds that once hit a certain age totally give up music after playing for quite some time..
their reason is due to wives,work,etc...
i`m quite blessed to have my life the way it is:)
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Got alot of above 30 in the forum. Just that they like to do thing quietly. Ha..ha.. But the 30 marker is too low lah. Make me become 'uncle' instantly.
fuzztremecho > i just got back from ktv with my dad (he's 50) his best friend and him got really high singing and dancing to black magic woman.

was a rather hilarious/embarassing experience to see your drunk father doing stupid things.