O Levels Students 2009!!

u ask him why not sulphate can? haha

what viko said is so true. ppl always aim to use bombastic words. but what really kills them is sentence strucuture and grammar!!!!

My school aiming 80% A for eng. wah lao. then the chinese 17% A. hahaha.
Tenses and grammar are the inexcusable errors.

As long as you have those right, the rest will come with it. Your vocabulary comes from your reading.
u ask him why not sulphate can? haha

what viko said is so true. ppl always aim to use bombastic words. but what really kills them is sentence strucuture and grammar!!!!

My school aiming 80% A for eng. wah lao. then the chinese 17% A. hahaha.

thats not an unrealistic target, was from a neighbourhood school and distinction rate was really high for one lol
sigh my boiling test tube fractured. lol! heated too strongly.. turned fragile and i smashed it whilst stirring with the glass rod -.-

anyway, my friend's teacher said that Y be any anions except sulphate. :confused:
i wanted to write hydroxide too. but i did something to test for hydroxide but no OH present i think. o yea if its Hydroxide. then It may be Barium Hydroxide right? but Barium hydrixide is colourless. NO white ppl form. so it cant be hydroxide. i added NAOH to barium nitrate. colourless.

Holispirit:Barium nitrate and barium chloride have the same role, finding the sulphate ion. isit? then all soluble barium salts can test for sulphate? then whose the guy who said the teacher said both the answers were carbonate. hah

Yes, it is true. On the day before practical exams, my teacher specifically told us that Barium chloride has the same role as Barium nitrate. As for other barium salts, i'm unsure as of now. So, i'm pretty certain the answer for Y is sulphate Ions.
then why the table specifically type barium nitrate not others?

My tuition teacher said its not sulphate. its sulphite. OMG. HAHA. i dunno la.....
then why the table specifically type barium nitrate not others?

My tuition teacher said its not sulphate. its sulphite. OMG. HAHA. i dunno la.....

The table on the paper merely served as a basic guide. That's why when there was no barium nitrate, they were testing if you knew what could replace it. I am 100% certain, barium chloride is to test for sulphate ions. But whether the answer is sulphate or not, that i'm unsure.

i already got admission to TP through DPA. now i only need 26 points to get into my course but im aiming for 19 and below. ^^ yeah humans is the scariest subject. geog easy but ss im really scared cause my sbq very noob. i studying venice,globalisation and bonding singapore themes. really hope they come out!!:???:
English isn't about phrases/words/idioms/similies - No idea why so many of my peers put so much emphasis on bombastic words. Just watch out for sentence structure and grammar; those two will kill you first before you even get the chance to put your cheem words in.

By now, most of our grammer and sentence structure and tenses etc. are pretty much perfect. So writing an essay with perfect grammer and all is only half the battle, the other half lies in using chim words to impress the examiners and drive it into them that you're proficient in English. That's what makes an essay A1.
Then again, if you use chim words but totally fail at tenses and grammer, then you're essay would probably be barely a pass.
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You'll be suprised that many still can't write well due to grammar and tenses. Some from Chinese speaking family. Can't say most people's grammar n tenses are almost perfect. May be in your school la, but not all students what.. Just advicing those who think bombastic words are more important than grammar and tenses. It is not. Or u can create your own BOOMZ word and may be you'll be as famous as pasiRIS low:)
Relax ah guys. It's just day-to-day english you know, dont have to be perfect. Only when it comes down to exams then DIE DIE must be perfect. :D
huh? im relaxed. u sound tensed in ur previous post . haha and day to day english can spell wrongly then exam write properly? wrong mentality la friend... so you shouldnt let exams dictate ur accuracy of your english in your day to day activities..
Not to be crude, but if you speak posh perfect english daily, then all your friends and everyone around you will think you're some arrogant, stuck-up b****, if you get what i mean.
speaking good english doesn't mean you have to act posh or perfect.
exactly. woah u said lovelovelovelovelove. u refer to girls only la? Or u refer lovelovelovelovelove to guys too..

Yea u can speak properly without being posh or perfect.
Just speak normally minus the singlish. In singapore, that will be posh! HAHA.
But i feel that even if u add a pintch of singlish into your grammatically correct sentences(of course with correct tenses and verbs and adverbs and what not.) you'll still sound good!
Not to be crude, but if you speak posh perfect english daily, then all your friends and everyone around you will think you're some arrogant, stuck-up b****, if you get what i mean.

What nonsense. If your friends think you're stuck-up just because you speak good english, then they must be really small minded and petty.
My friends don't really have that kind of mentality (I do speak good english around my peers and i'm from a neighbourhood school with hokkien-speaking people). They just get irritated every once in a while :)
wow, are you guys really that enthu about the o levels? :confused:
i mean, come on, its just the o levels. i didn't really study much and still got a decent 21 points for my L1R4 for the prelims. so what's the point of studying, you still will do well even if you don't study. the only sad thing is the o levels are alot harder than the prelims lols.