Yea the only subject they take is chinese for o levels. BEWARE MAN SERIOUSLY . IM Retaking. i have to face RGS, RI , higher mother tongue from sec 3. the HMT students ARE OMG. SERIOUSLY. they start their compos with a poem.
the grass is greener on OUR side. (((((((((((((((retardeddrummer, we're neighbours. hahaha.
hahahahhaa. the softball team number one in singapore for dunno how many consecutive years alr man. 5th or 8th consecutive year man. damn it. then they always take away the glory from the netballers when they get like 2nd in east zone. LOL. softball onlly play less than 10 matches win nationals. netball play 10 matches get u in to zonal finals. lol.well your uniform IS greener. Mines plan white. I don't blame you for claiming that.. HAHAHA.
in all honesty, my class is next to the field. The softball team disrupts lessons. (which is good) LOL.
Sps NCC Air are the kings i believe haha! Gold!hahah. i think our netball team are the champions.. can't remember though.
and we have the best choir.![]()
ah what the heck. NCC LAND, KINGS OF THE EAST!
what cca are you in?
excuse me only ur junior team ah please...hahah. i think our netball team are the champions.. can't remember though.
and we have the best choir.![]()
ah what the heck. NCC LAND, KINGS OF THE EAST!
what cca are you in?
^ IB is for ACS Independent. The other schools just have Integrated Programme for their feeder schools which means they skip Os and go to As.
hardly the same actually, if you look into what they study. You're only touching the surface with that comparison..
Just a word :
If youre aiming to go to local Universities, NUS etc there is no point taking the IB route.
Heres the reason why. The fees you pay in ACSIB is much more costly as compared to an ordinary JC. The difference is in the subjects you study plus from IB you get a diploma. This diploma would be no diff from an ordinary A level cert if you desire to attend a local Uni. Hence your money over the 2 years has been wasted.
Of course there are other pros and cons abt being in the IB programme, exposure to new subs, good campus facilities and stuff, but this is the general idea.
I am an old boy of the school so i definitely know what im talking about. and yes IB and IP are 2 diff things totally despite the fact they all skip O's which may not necessarily be a good thing.