O Levels Students 2009!!

woah ANY guitar? ask him go swee lee. the gibsons easily 8k. Make him eat his words! HAHA. yea studying history now.. Gosh...

HAHA!! Yeah, but still, those gibsons there are overpriced and some are collectors. If he spends more money, i don't gain anything, except for temporary amusement. Chemistry is pretty much done for me, i'm currently doing some math sums, really cracking me head.
Ok people mug hard!!! Only about 6 more days till English paper and 2 more days to science practical.
Have faith in yourselves and do your best~
If i get 6-10 pts. I go home and sleep. No present. Not fair. Hmm maybe i can convince them to get me a new bass. heheh:mrgreen:
haha. PRACTICAL TMR!!!!!!!!!!!

Bring long ruler
bring calculator

For humanties im left with chapter 13 of geog and venice and im done.
Wohooo!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait for next week. i suck at math always fail. haha. i wanna get it over and done with.
Maths need to practice.. Anyway, anyone taking history elective here? My teacher said most likely come out Nazi and the rise of Hitler, Stalin and Cold War so those'll be the ones i'm studying.
okaye im taking pure history. i dont think cold war will come out.
Watch out for Korean war and cuban missle crisis for SBQ. im pretty sure it will come out either one. If come out SBQ from cold war unlikely will be SEQ cold war. last year cold war came out for Seq. But cold war havent come out for SBQ.

Im studying russia,germany and japan.
HAHA OH YEAH. I studied Japan for prelims so i guess i'll be replacing Russia with that. The subject that's worrying me really is POA.
why u wanna replace Jap? Jap very long never come out for Seq


No. 1 i needa bid for a cymbal on ebay
No. 2 i cannot sleep.

Its my sleeping habit.

Can someone help? how to make urself tired and go back to sleeping at 11pm? i always sleep at one or two. my o levels is coming. goodness. i tried not to sleep in the afternoon alr. and im more tired in the afternoon then at night! HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW