O Levels Students 2009!!

Okay lah, SS got lesser things to memorize but it's either a very good grade or a fail for me. :( the subject that is the most difficult to score is emaths. haha. most people can get A and above and it makes it more difficult to get an A1...
haha! humans just plan time. for the rest of the days 1 day try do 1 topic. and for maths TYS ALL THE WAY TILL THE 27! ALL THE BEST TO ALL!
Hmm. For maths, its not that hard to score A1. That said, I recognise that a lot of people's fortes isn't in arithmetic.
The trick is to practice. Most questions are quite straight forward, and probably would ask the same question, except using different numbers. Plenty of practice with maths would help you score. Try doing a lot of mental sums in real-life situation (I.E, trying to guess the amount of change that you're supposed to get if you bought something. Of course, before the answer is flashed to you at the counter). It would not be directly useful, but it keeps your brain alert and at least improves the mental calculations.
Yes, I realise a lot of students these days are spoilt because of the calculator. Simple addition/subtractions and they instinctively reach for the calculator
Of course, another trick is NOT to rush in the papers. Time yourself nicely so that you complete the paper with at least half hour to spare. Then, use that half hour to recheck every single question. A lot of careless mistakes are made when people rush, so... yea. Don't rush!!

Unless, you're seriously lagging behind time. Then, the trick is, don't panic!!
^it is quite hard to score A1 for emaths.... in my opinion. because as you said, it's very straightforward, and the questions are much easier than amaths. that's why you have to be extremely careful and aim for a 90/100 for emaths to get an A1 safely...

yeah i agree that you have to practice amaths but for emaths, you cant just practice. you have to know the method to solve certain types of question.

Hmm. true. I guess also for E Maths, it also PARTIALLY depends on whether you have that ability to do arithmetic naturally.
I had this friend who had this ability and he easily got A2 (because he didn't practice it even at last minute, freaking walking into the exam hall without any prepartion. argh, its a long story for him. Bugger. He could have gotten A1)
^it is quite hard to score A1 for emaths.... in my opinion. because as you said, it's very straightforward, and the questions are much easier than amaths. that's why you have to be extremely careful and aim for a 90/100 for emaths to get an A1 safely...

yeah i agree that you have to practice amaths but for emaths, you cant just practice. you have to know the method to solve certain types of question.


It is hard because of the bell curve MOE uses. The higher everyone gets, the higher the cut off will be for an A1......... God.. really scary, and this applies for every subject btw.
A1 for maths ? man , u guys must be really smart .

I'll be over the moon with a C6 for maths and science . Any tips for chemistry and maths ?
Whoop come TP Design! hahaha Good luck all you sec 4s.

Do your tys. all the way. i didnt even touched any exam papers.
I started studying only on the day before for most papers! and managed to pull it off,
so if you havent started it isnt too late hahahahahah
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like my sec school teacher once said, "when everyone says the paper is very easy, i worry more, when everyone comes out shaking head, i dont get so worried." dont get so worried, just hope u're pretty similar to all the other students in ur level, cos u're not seeing who gets the most marks, u're competing on where u stand amongst the rest. so just relax and put in ur best effort. how well u do depends on how well the entire cohort of o level students in spore do, not how many marks u score. :)
O Levels aren't nothing you've ever seen, guys.

Mathematics are the easiest. A Maths, E Maths... They are the two As you'll get for the examinations. Especially A Maths. A Maths is so goddamn straightforward! Just do your TYS and you'll know almost anything.

And A Maths is only fundamental mathematics... :O

Aye! Good luck. If you need help in humanities, I'll advise you to write your own notes and draw as much as you can. It really helps a lot.
Omg i just finished studying physical geog . haha. spent 4 hours on it. left human geog!!! haha. now studyin chem.

Chem very interesting:) haha.

BTW, last year's emath paper was SOOO EASY that to get an A1, u must get 91/100! hahahhaa. my math HOD say one.
Does anyone know what's coming out for comb geog this year? Time is running out, i need to narrow down on what to study. HELP?
Does anyone know what's coming out for comb geog this year? Time is running out, i need to narrow down on what to study. HELP?

Basically u only need to study one physical geog chapter and one human geog. Thats what my classmates are doing.

Im studynig natural vegetation and Development of food.
yes, the WHOLE UNIT.

Study natural veg, no needa study rivers. but must study kalimantan!
Does anyone know what's coming out for comb geog this year? Time is running out, i need to narrow down on what to study. HELP?

Study one human(Development or Food) and one physical(NatVeg or Rivers/Coasts) and should be quite safe la. However I scared hybrid questions come out so better if can study all.