not being taken seriously?

fuh subversion, try not using too much complicated words i guess, some people including me would'nt understand.
in my own preference, The first thing i look for when buying guitars or effects or other things, i look out for their CUSTOMER SERVICE.
starting off by asking smthing like "do you have any other colours" and blablabla. eye contacts and the way they talk is a plus one.
Recently i got into one of the most popular guitar shops in penin and an old guy snatched that guitar i was trying. I'm sitting on a stool and he just took that guitar and put it back. I was freaking frustrated and asked my friend to leave the shop. We headed to another shop in penin that day and got a much better salesman to provide us good customer service.
in conclusion, what i mean is that we can surely look at other shops who sells that same thing right? it doesnt mean that's the only shop in sg that sells it..
so customer service plays a freaking important role in satisfying the customers and to those salesman reading this, take note:D
you wouldn't buy that item if the salesman attending to you gives you one hell of a look right?
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tpile: but singapore so small, hard to find any other dealers ma...

I refuse to shop in Singapore unless if the person giving the service gives me a DAMN GOOD first impression. That's why I got my Jackson! Kevin from GC. I'd browse around SL or what, see anything cool and new, take down what is it, order online.
which brings us back to the problem that we have to TRY it out first!


Which brings us back to tradeoff problem. Sometimes what u can't get what u want locally, then import (but u can't test).

The case u stated was u went to test, but they didn't take u seriously. So clearly they might have what u wanted, but because u probably look like a pauper to them, so they don't allow u to test it properly.

Okie, some considerations we might see here. I mean u gotta be thankful they even let u touch their >$3.5k guitar and try it bec the main concern here is, if u accidentally drop it, first ask urself, "Do I have the moolah to foot the bill if any accident occured?" When I mean moolah, it isn't instalment based, but a real one shot payment. To us consumers, anything goes, but to the company, they need to do their close their accounts and tally amount so they don't really want to do instalment and so far, none of the guitar stores here do instalment.

Then we move on to testing # bed room level, of course, it will be a better gauge for the sound and tonality of the axe. Think about it, you are not the only customer in the store and there is no soundproof room for u to test, so your best bet is to test @ a minimal volume so as to be polite to both the store owner and the other patrons. I know customers are forever right blah blah blah, but when u ever work in this retail line, u will better understand the attitude/plight of the salesperson.

We always want to have the best of everything, but when we don't have it, do we go around acting like immature kids and posting harsh flammatory remarks @ others and generalizing them? Just some food for thoughts.
bro neuro,

yes i do have the moolah to pay it upfront, but when letting a customer test a guitar, dropping should always be thought of last,isn't it? and also, how often does it happen...(accounts? isn't it considered sold? what's so difficult about tallying that?)

to be honest it wasn't even half of my bedroom level.then i don't really understand why some salespeople are so much more willing and friendly then others.imo it was not a reasonable volume, but we might have different defintions of 'reasonable'

mike from standard value is a great example.great guy.

We always want to have the best of everything, but when we don't have it, do we go around acting like immature kids and posting harsh flammatory remarks @ others and generalizing them? Just some food for thoughts.

referring to me?well i hope not...

if it was referring to me, the only thing i did 'childish' was the hee, and i only did that to try to lighten the mood in this thread. harsh flammatory remarks? who?where?
generalizing? i don't think i generalized either...i did state i went to only 3 shops,which are the 3 biggest guitar shops in sg, i would think.

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That is great if you have the moolah. I guess shops are paranoid when it comes to pricey items and when they cannot determine if customers are able to afford that, so the safest bet is to treat them with caution. I have seen a couple of guys dropped some guitars @ guitar shops and after that having no cash to pay and then have to go through the trouble of calling friends and family for help. I mean, to a business owner, that would be unsightly and difficult to handle since he has many other customers to attend to. If you get what I am trying to say, you will get it.

The comment wasn't meant for you, but as a matter of general remark since I have seen so many threads started to discuss about bad attitudes/services of sales people in musical instrument stores, so fret not.
sub: That isn't a preconception. I have had first-hand experience of him treating me and others that I've tagged along with to the store like, for want of a better word, scum. I'm not basing what I'm saying on stories that I've heard on some forum on the Internet somewhere, I'm judging the store, the store-owner in particular, based on his behaviour alone.

Perhaps what I'm saying MIGHT just cause other people to further form their personal opinions of the store, but for me yes it's safe to say that I have contempt for that particular store, on the basis that their service towards me was rubbish.
my take is ... dun give a damn if you think they are giving you attitude. That's all they can do anyway.
Doesn't change with age guys, happened to my wife and I in a reputable designer wife was looking at a rolex and since we were in shorts and t shirts the sales staff gave a face which changed after 15 mins when it was obvious my wife could afford the price tag. But we told her we were going to a different shop that doesn't give menopause face.

Anyway, got all sorts of idiots selling high end stuff don't let them faze you.

You wanna know why? Because *assuming* that the reputable Rolex dealer you're talking about is either Hourglass or Cortina, then the Rolex your wife was looking at was not considered high-end.

In fact, Rolex is not Haute Horlorgerie. Quite low/middle end actually. A quartz Patek Phillippe 24 stainless steel is already twice the price of an Automatic Rolex Lady Datejust. And that's AFTER discount. Even if you're looking at the Cellini full diamond collection at 30k, these sales people are used to selling Harry Winstons, Piagets and Vacheron Constantins at 100k minimum a pop.

I'm not saying it's right, but sometimes as a customer, it's easier to live with a little perspective.

For those who like to talk back to a nasty salesperson in hopes to get your 2 cents of self-worth back, what good does it REALLY do you? Do you gain anything? The sales person is wrong if they are indeed snooty. But you as a customer should not be automatically deemed a loser. What I WOULD do, is smile to the rude one, walk to ANOTHER salesperson, then buy the watch so the better serving colleague in another store gets the commission, then WALK back with the store's bag and ask to see another piece. That way, I enjoy my watch, and get to see the salesperson regret.

Not a single word of anger spoken.;)

You honestly don't expect to go into a lets say boutique shop in shorts and singlets and expect them to treat you like Donald Trump . It's just basic human nature , if you carry yourself well then people will have a sense of awe when you are around them .

But I'm pretty sure at Blackwood guitars at Bras Basah , you would be very welcomed cause the staff there are just plain fantastic.
to those who said 'welcome to singapore' or things like 'i prefer not to shop in singapore' you'll be disappointed when you get to other countries. Human nature the world over is very similar - if you go into a store looking like a bum or if you're very young the chances are you will not be taken as seriously as someone who looks like they have money and is serious and with a good attitude. Let's not blame Singapore.

And 'no' - (I can't remember during the thread who said it) - the point of a music shop is *not* to let everybody try stuff out. Sure, they want people to try stuff out so there is more chance of buying it, but if they had their ideal world, nobody would try anything and just waltz in and buy stuff off the shelf; the point of a music store (any store in fact) is to make money - they are running a business, not a charity. Yes - salespeople vary a lot and some will help you even if they don't think they will get any money out of you, and some won't - that's life. And let's face it, with the competition from the Internet they know full well that many people will go in to the store with no intention whatsoever of buying (not saying it's anyone in particular, especially the OP) but want to try out before they go searching for a deal online. That's their reality of shrinking sales and margins. Many many of us (including me) are guilty of doing this.

If you don't like the treatment you get at a particular store, you can always vote with your feet, i.e. choose not to shop there - it really is your choice. Singapore might be small, but it has a hell of a lot of guitar and music stores for its size - you'd be very surprised.