Noise Gate/Reduction!~


New member
Hey, I'm wondering which is the best noise reduction/gate pedal out there that can help me reduce feedback. I'm currently using a Zoom G2Nu and the noise gate in it ain't so good... I already set it to it's max threshold but still lot's of feedback... I tried standing away from my amp and reducing gain but the feedback is still there.... So any good pedals to recommend me? It'll be awesome if you could tell me how much it cost and where I could get it. Thanks! :)
I'm using an Ibanez SAS 36fm btw with seymour duncan invaders on bridge and Yngwei Malmsteen signature pups in neck and middle :)
Then it may not be that the noise gate on your efx isn't good, maybe there's something faulty with your guitar.
you might wanna borrow a noise gate unit from friends & try it out first before deciding on a confirmed purchase. is the feedback present in all pickup positions or just with a particular selected pickup?
not quite the guitar but the wiring. if there's a hum/ noise/ feedback issue, a humbucker is the least likely culprit.
I have a friend that uses this cheap Artec Noise Gate pedal but it's works great. True bypass and it does the job of keep things quiet.

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