No Longer Working For YAMAHA MUSIC ASIA PTE.LTD. Beez

I've passed by Yamaha music plaza lately
and I seen lots of new faces in the combo
shop and some are really green to music
gear. The worst is the manager is having a
hard time keeping the shop in good operation.

An ad outside is looking for people with a
commitment of $2500 a month in commission ???

The soft synth has killed the hardware business,
technology breakthrough always killed traditional

Evrytime i pass by Yamaha Music Plaza at PS, i sumhow wish i am the Boss of the company. i'll keep the Good Ol' Staff. Sad to find out that changes can begin in a cruel manner n e' wrong reasons.
N there was a time i askd 1 of the new staff if ey sell a MIDI Cable, to my surprise, that Kid ( i forgot his name ) ask me back, " whats a midi cable? " how damn embarassing was that. Seriously. is Yamaha employing the right people there??
N most of em' cant seem to bother bout the customers around em'. poor customer service.

Sumthing like that lah...But cant blame them though. They need sales staff with the attitude like Beez & Azman. Friendly and approachable. :) :) :) :) :) :)
ya agree with kyjel on liking to be undisturbed n not having some pests wif fake smiles following u all around :lol: . but i guess we dun really get that in most music shops here. most music sales ppl r musicians, n like some ppl here said, most musicians have some kinda attitude(which indirectly means some sorta pride, ego), which i agree too :)

beez has wired my first electric guitar pickup n has indirectly taught me how to diy. anyway wish beez all the best in his post-yamaha career and future.
Wat a post it has become...Forget about that FRAG whoever he is... he is really stupid of him.

Beez will always be one of the MVP at Guitar77. Always my dream to have him in our TEAM.

And a word of Thanks to all those out there spoken up for Beez.

Oh yeah we are orgainising a year end MAKAN with everyone can JAMES bring a group down to MAKAN N MAKAN N MAKAN N WINEEEEEEEEEE


James let me know how many softies we can get them down to PARTY!

Dear BEEZ!!

this thread is long siah..

bought my first amp (trace eiliot brat 15) from beez when yamaha combo shop is still at suntec... all i can say that time beez was like the perfect salesman!! gave advice and mosy importantly alot of discount.!! ahahah

no offence to u beez.. my first impression of u was like... wah how come this uncle like just got back from fishing trip is selling stuff at a music shop?
then... when he start playing on the guitar ....WAH!!! is that humanly possible.. and also the "middle finger" and "thumb" action in between his chops and riffs was really humerous and entertaining.. what more can u ask for, friendly and approachable guy who is geniunely helping a newbie like me to pick up starter gear? All i could say is that i was a very satisified customer from him!!
yah one more thingy.. thanks for the fix on my guitar intonation and pick up change many years back!!

It is alwaya a pleasure and inspiration to see u play!!
wish u all the best in your life and best health!

To Insecticide,
"I heard from insider that Beez resigned because he cant face Yamaha anymore.....
.....he slammed a guitar at a customer and left without notice.."
>>>>>That's not true!!!
It was just a piece of paper that wasn't meant to be aimed at the customer.

This is Calvin from Yamaha Combo here.....
To clarify some matters, there are indeed new guys here in the combo shop, change of staff is a common thing, everyone has a road in their life, many move on to performing, teaching etc. This has been happening long way before.
Beez has been around since history, it is indeed a loss for us at combo shop, now it all seems so quiet, not as noisy and fun like the past. Everything is now more formal.....
But that is one thing i still have to say, we remaining staff ain't as lousy as some have thought us to be, anyone wants to come challenge me in guitar????? :twisted:

Anyway, Beez, cheers to your new job, it's quite weird without you around. Would come visit you in Guitar77 when i have the time..... Enjoy!!!!
Kerr said:

wow!!!! party!!! here i come!!! ha..ha.. hey, sorry I couldn't pick up your call this afternoon. was shaking legs with some hongkong stars at oriental.
haha ...

even in the faceless world of the internet,

words carry contexts. words carry tone. words paint more than a picture or an ideal. they describe a person's running emotions feelings and intellectual groanings.

talk is cheap , words are dense. thats why its easy to talk cheap , but difficult to talk intelligently ?

Upz Beez

to insecticide :

taking a supposed moral high ground to flame others behind a mask on the internet, like you have never used any swear words or vulgarities in your life before is just plain reflects a sense of immaturity , like anyone would buy your spin doctoring.

3 accounts ? no big deal, just see if the same IP address logged 3 cookies at the corresponding time. shouldnt be very difficult for James to look it up

remember. this may be a faceless world but you are not untrackable. what you have done is to slander someone without concrete evidence and you are affecting his professional reputation. correct me if i am wrong but this means that there is legal basis for a lawsuit if the afflicted party chooses that course of resolution.

talk is cheap. until you factor in the consequences. you said what you said. willing to face the music ?

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