No Longer Working For YAMAHA MUSIC ASIA PTE.LTD. Beez

Insecticide, perhaps you do not get what i was saying. Office politics is everywhere, not exclusively to Yamaha staff. Did i speculate the number of part time staffs or nil full time staffs? I said to go ask!

Nice try bugger, which line in my post suggests that i hate all yamaha staffs so much? Stop trying to take my words and turn them against me. Me being bitter and ex-yamaha staff? Sorry to disappoint you but i have a better paying job than to be under some fag manager over there, which in the 1st place i never was.

Upon vetting my previous post, i found no indication of me being an exceptionally violent person. I suggest you take your game out of this place and stop making judgement calls. I'll end my replies here, see you at combo shop :wink:
nah newbie100, it's just fine. sit back, relax and enjoy your stay here :wink: The other thread is locked, hilarious i must say.

thor: sorry if you'd misunderstood, my reply on office politics and such wasn't referring to yamaha only. Well, you guys continue the healthy discussion...i see no point taking part in this when someone is out to "hit-and-run".
edo83, not referring to you la. :lol: i do see your point in relation to Insecticide's post. i agree Insecticide's post does look "hit and run". I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and take it he just wanted to discuss, but without the proper participants, Beez and Yamaha, the posting can harm more than it was meant to be.

Insecticide: We all know that Beez is registered here, so there's no point to talk about whether he was happy at sales, or whether he can't face Yamaha. PM him, and ask him if you would want to know, or go down G77 and ask him direct. To verify, go down to Yamaha Combo Shop and ask them.

Yes i agree.

Politics isn't healthy. When one is a professional, one would choose to stay out of office politics.

And it is a bit too obvious that 2 accounts created way early this morning should contribute in such a way on this topic.

If there are any doupts, feel free to clarify with the man himselft at Guitar 77 or, the management at Music Plaza.

Maybe james should lock this thread too to prevent any future disasters? :wink:
I confess, I have not read this thread, but after reading the last post of the other locked thread, I couldn't help bursting out with laughter! :lol: Hilarious! Hahahaha...

Now to read this story... hehehe...
Ah. I think, after reading this. We have to stop somewhere. Will one of you be gracious and stop?

Like what Thor said to me in a discussion on msn, Talk is cheap.

Even more in the faceless world of the Internet.

Got a problem, call up the dude and talk to him personally or talk to the management in Music Plaza.

Hahaha... reminds me of the person spamming my ads in Luther! Makes you feel powerful when no one will know your true identity when you post.
Frankly, it really is none of my business as to why someone from Yamaha resigned – as long as I got what I want from there.

I just wanted to post my say to join in a conversation. I heard about some senior staff resigned from that nice shop when I was having conversation with one of the service staff who changed my guitar strings the other time.

Now when I join this forum, I merely post another point of view that I have heard regarding the subject and start wondering why someone has to resign if he is so good and treated by some people like GOD. It would be ungrateful to leave if one is treated as an asset for so many years but if the leaving is for a better advancement elsewhere instead of being condemned, good action !
Anyway whether the person is there before or after, some of us are not totally satisfied with the service to a certain degree.

I do not exactly know who this Beez was as I have no relation with Yamaha Shop and I am not a manic musician.

But I definitely find some people here very un-refined as a music lover or musician whatever, using words like “bugger”, “fag”, “damn” and all sarcastic remarks to strike on other person posting merely a statement.

It makes it sounds like this forum only belongs to a niche group of people, and can only say something according to what they want to hear!

Another business tool??
Insecticide said:
But I definitely find some people here very un-refined as a music lover or musician whatever, using words like “bugger”, “fag”, “damn” and all sarcastic remarks to strike on other person posting merely a statement.
Firstly, i don't think merely suits a statement with underlying motives.

Insecticide said:
It makes it sounds like this forum only belongs to a niche group of people, and can only say something according to what they want to hear!
Secondly, you are quite free to say what u want. But if one introduces politics... It ain't welcomed


not only introduce politics... BUT introdice politics AS THE FIRST FEW posts...


Insecticide said:
Another business tool??
lol... When did this come into picture? Beez told me once that envious competitors may use this phrase before. But who is using it as a business tool? you? :smt017
Insecticide said:
But I definitely find some people here very un-refined as a music lover or musician whatever, using words like “bugger”, “fag”, “damn” and all sarcastic remarks to strike on other person posting merely a statement.

Look at the last post on the locked thread.
Insecticide said:
Oh yeah... Kinda oxymoronic...

But erm... Its okay, we understand. :wink:

If you really mean no harm, well, hope to see you contribute more to the forums in the future! But please keep your cool.
Hey cool it guys, a musician should be refined. Plays jazz and be soft spoken, pls throw away all your loud distortion units and whammy bars. All we need is just an overdrive and ES335 :lol:

On a serious note, let's stop the replies. We're providing fodder for ppl to twist and turn the words against us eh? Whether we're uncouth or courteous musicians, let's all wisen up and let someone run the show in this thread. I sorta enjoyed the rebukes though :wink:
Kindly PM me if you guys want to throw distortion pedals and whammy.

On a serious note, let this thread come to a close. Even though I don't think most of Y4maha stuff are knowledgable, I'll still say let's keep things civil. Lock the thread and all shd be well.

To those newbie (I'm not pointing) who just joined. If you want to pick a fight (verbal or otherwise), do it through the PM. By further arguing here, you will not have your point taken across to the other party. All the comments has reflect badly upon you.
Insecticide, get your facts right before you post your comments about me .
i am not happy about/with your post!
it is strange to hear about a certain INSIDER in yamaha told you about my resignation.
care to name the INSIDER here in SOFT?
you seems to like and praise Yamaha alot.
why dont you work there ? see for yourself not HEAR!!!!
i would be in Changi prison right now if the rumour is true that i slam a guitar on the customer face.

your first post about me here is definitely not sugar to many members here in soft.
By the way,is JAY your best friend ???

Isecticide ,i think i know who you are.

Well, Beez has spoken for himself...

Insecticide, its not that we're an unfriendly bunch of "niche people" and all... its just that the statement u said in the other thread:

I find that Yamaha service is much more better than before their renovation..... I think they may have changed their service staff, the older staff used to sit behind their tables and play with their computer. But now after the renovation, the tables were gone.... The newer staff now serve better !
I remember last year before the renovation, one older staff , I think about 45, can even just sit there and play guitar to entertain rather then approaching me to ask what I want !!
it is very clear who u are refering to in this instance...

I do not exactly know who this Beez was as I have no relation with Yamaha Shop and I am not a manic musician.
exactly! if you do not know who he is, don't post hear-says bout him... cuz:
I merely post another point of view that I have heard regarding the subject and start wondering why someone has to resign if he is so good and treated by some people like GOD.
may i ask who treats him like God here? theres only 1 father in heaven. its just that many people respect him for who he is...

sorry if i jumped the gun and reached a conclusion that u were playing office politics or guessing u were affiliated to yamaha in some ways earlier... my deepest appologies...

but circumstances led me to think this path when i 1st saw ur post... my humble advice is to watch what one says every moment... and decide which rumors are wild, which is to be kept to urself, and which may be true and at the same time, share-able... :wink:

nothing personal or anyting and once again... my sincere apologies...
Moral of the story: Since u know we all treat him like a "god" over here... just keep ur comments to urself, or be prepared to get shot down :)
Actually we all do change jobs after sometime. No one will really work on the first job and stay forever.

By the way do guitar77 still need man? looking for job here hehe~

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