newbie needs help about analog pedal


New member
I want to change from Multi effect to analog pedal. Could any pros tell me about set-up and pedal board !? and what should i have for playing Nu and Gothic Metal !??? Thanks alot bro :) :) :) :)
Yup pretty basic but i have seen some pro's keep it that !!

Spend time here and other gear forums for some ideas ....
Remember pedal choice will influence your music style drasticly ...

oh ya keep it simple :wink:
i hear good stuff about the zoom tri-metal.
but i think it's hard to find now.
dd3 is a great super solid delay lah.
i'm getting a new delay pedal today, so i
might sell my dd3 if it stands up to it.

cosmetic 5.5/10
working 10/10

if i decide to sell and if you want ill give u
first priority.
:lol: :lol:

Keep it simple for now. After you've found the basics then you can explore what other effects you think you might need but in actual fact its just gas - gear acquiring syndrome.

The pedals I've stated above are actually what I'm using now. Except for the delay, using an el-cheapo Belfast Delay. Not bad at all but can't get those whacky delays. Good as a rhythmic delay. Might be shopping for another delay pedal with the next paycheck as well. DD3? DL4?
so lifeless. want my dd3?
it's a gd piece.

talking about service wise, my dd3
it the only pedal that's consistant in
my lineup...

tsk tsk. bad me... i shdnt be looking
for buyers b4 even thinking of selling...
lin6 uber metal
is a really gd pedal for the heavy metal
distortion sound.

zoom tri metal is a really good 1 also.
but i haven't seen that pedal in some

you could try to EHX metal muff.

my personal fave is the g77's modded
boss mt2.