Neo Classical Stuff

NoMiS, chill, we all have nothing against your teacher. :) In fact, most of us here, are sincerely wanting to jam (at the moment). Really, no bad blood here... and most posts are pretty civil too. :wink:
since when u became so nice ah, shredcow? ok we'll see how it goes, if the rest of u are up for challenge im on! if not heck it! im gonna study now.. remember all of you, TALK IS CHEAP!

momo-zoom said:
im new here, learning the guitar and interested to know whats happening in the forum... everyone is like so expert here
age: 15
naMe: MauRice KoH

Guys, momo-zoom is new here. he is young and really keen to learn(as stated above). The keyword word here is "learn". Let's just all give him space and time to learn to appreciate and respect individual opinions in this forum.

Anyway if every1 really like to meet up i suggest you go to a jam studio rather than the school studio. Let's just not get the school involve.
no la i am chilled.. and i understand tht u guys are not flaming my teacher as well.. my point is.. this is jus a simple thread abt neo classical stuff and saying tht this guy can do it and bla bla bla. its jus tht out of this simple thread.. it can cause so much harm.. i think if we were to mature and bring the music scene here up.. all of us gotta do our part.. attitude b4 everything else.. i am cool with u shredcow, i am cool with u momozoom, in fact everybody.. i am cool with.. its jus tht it is sad to see this happening.. here.. and i hope tt u guys can see tht there are pple out there tht is trying to bring up the scene here and i hope we all can work towards tht as one.. and not do this to each other u noe? its jus my few cents worth of opinion la.. i jus hope la. tht one day future and younger musician wont have a hard time like all of us whu is trying to make it here.. u noe wat i mean?? yea.
+1 to nomis

one man's meat is another's poison..
at the the end of the day i do believe in an absolute tone ..that everyone can agree to be good/heavenly/fantastic blah blah ..same goes for playing.. but for most of us..mylelf included, things like this can get rather subjective..facilitating a platform for usually healthy discussions..though sadly in this case, turns out pretty ugly.

we can only learn, move on, and hopefully get better, well-informed, and place better judgment.. going thru all this forums has made me learn even more .. thx guys!
first challenge, see who can palm mute faster

second challenge, see who can play cleanly with the guitar as low as possible

third challenge, see who can jump and play guitar better

fourth challenge, see who can scream screechier and play guitar at the same time

well im giving you home advantage here, all im sure st pats guitarists all can do very well nowadays
ahaha well i wont judge them jus like tt.. pple say tht children are incapable of many things.. but they fail to see the good side of them... they are innocent and creative... so prejudgement will somehow bring the other dwn..
so i guess he reacted for aparticular reason.. i am sure he has a certain maturity in there... jus a few cents worth of opinion..
jeremyrozario said:
first challenge, see who can palm mute faster

second challenge, see who can play cleanly with the guitar as low as possible

third challenge, see who can jump and play guitar better

fourth challenge, see who can scream screechier and play guitar at the same time

well im giving you home advantage here, all im sure st pats guitarists all can do very well nowadays

dude...give that guy a break he has shut up, so can you!
so make me, he(if he really is a he) can post wadeva he likes, so can i, if he can offend, so can i, if its stooping low and all, so be it
ok jeremyrozario! I'm taking you now! If you have your ballz which i think they are in your mouth right now, come to school. here's what we are goin to do:
1) Play a 2 bar licks as fast as you can for 1 min w/o mistakes - 1 mistake 1 slap.
2) We exchange 2bar licks - see who can do faster and better - 1 mistake 1 slap

You game?!?! hur hur... bring your gear tmr..i see you in sch since u are an old boy
who cares whether its possible or not! just need permission, we will stealth you in... bring your best gears or whatever shit you have. you have the balls you come at 3pm tmr! you wanna see how your juniors treat their seniors for saying shitty things about SPS, you come... many of us are reading, and i tell you straight you are in deeep shit!
3pm I see you at the school canteen. we will recieve you. if not u will be the certified HUM JI of!
maybe we juz call lak in, he listens to hair metal, ask him judge lar, settle it over caning, 1 mistake 1 stroke from him lar, got balls now anot? or u neva kenna cane b4?

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