Neo Classical Stuff

ShredCow said:
momo-zoom said:
hmm ok...nice video, but shredcow, its not by you what...haha..c'mon man practice what you preach! you already SaId everYOne can plaY! show us your rendition!! Talk is always cheap! u dont want to be labelled as 'hum chee' right? ;-)

Yeap, everyone can play, you wanna see me play it @ 80bpm? :lol:

I'll do it when i think i want to do it... no offense to you or anyone who covers material but I simply don't find that much value in doing covers unless I really don't have time to compose stuff.

Not much value? Dude you are wrong in saying that... in that case SSO and the top orchestrals in the world can eat themselves. You mean Pub Bands who jam covers is a waste of time too? I dont quite get you..cos at the same time u wanted to cover chopin's fantasie? hmm.. and yeah I dont find the video's playing is outta tune...maybe intonation is slightly off.. Do you have perfect pitch to tell that its a few cents off? Wink
If the video's playing is outta tune then shredcow, how bout yr guitar tuning in yr video? Wink

Sorry Shredcow, I have stopped supporting you, I heard from people saying that you are full of yourself, putting people's playing down with non-constructive comments and blar blar 'you are the best' kinda shit.. C'mon PROVE IT! Learn those songs and show us what u meant by 'good control and melody'!
ahaha... shredcow can only talk but cannot do..

Yeap I want to see u do it 'with control' show us how in 80bpm? Discount bout half of it? 40bpm ON TIME with the metronome
guitar was out of tune?? My teacher said, 'where got?' aiyoh you guys have nothing to say ah... i know the person in the video. he has the feel and touch as and when he wants it. but, playing at that speed is difficult to emulate the sound close to a real violin playing (partita) with distortion.
wow strong stupidity from 2 dumb nut 15 year old kiddies. Can he play the song? sure he can, anyone could with hard work and practice. heck, the first time shred played anytin to me over msn was flight of the bumblebee.

I guess you misunderstood his statement of not much value of learning covers. His playing has always been eccentric and out of the norm, not conforming to your usual 'rock guitarist' playing. Chances are, if you grow up playing songs of your idols, you would sound like them, yet another copy. Some call it arrogance, others a passion. Gee the last time i remembered, Malmsteen was't exactly humble.

And wow you stop supporting him just because of hearsays? How many of these people you talked to have actually hit him with a PM and said, hey i hate your attitude. do something about it and stop sounding so condescending. Chances are, none.

my 2 cents.

Strat, I may be stupid, but you are no better as you speak for your lover, stratcow.
Firstly, he played bumble bee to u on msn right? Well we didnt see it, anyway that's COVER No.1
Secondly, he's so called 'weird shit' sounds like Steve Vai. YES! Oh for goodness sake, some vai licks and styles are ripped off directly. Be honest to admit. So thats COVER No.2 (dont tell me you nvr learnt any vai songs)
So Strat b4 you speak for your lover, use your ass to think. Hey you talk much too, WHY NOT YOU PROVE IT?!? (we have another hum chee in the line)
Hmmm.... wonder what happened here? Oh well, might as well...

Bern said:
Not much value? Dude you are wrong in saying that... in that case SSO and the top orchestrals in the world can eat themselves. You mean Pub Bands who jam covers is a waste of time too? I dont quite get you..cos at the same time u wanted to cover chopin's fantasie?

You misunderstand me here Bern, if you wish to do covers, please go ahead and practice covers. What I said pertained to myself solely, and if you wish, I can talk to you about it, might be just a different point of view that may/may not be of use to you.
There was a discussion thread here regarding covering songs and their value. I laid my case there already, and no one thought it being aloof.

Bern said:
hmm.. and yeah I dont find the video's playing is outta tune...maybe intonation is slightly off.. Do you have perfect pitch to tell that its a few cents off? Wink
If the video's playing is outta tune then shredcow, how bout yr guitar tuning in yr video? Wink

You don't need perfect pitch to tell its out of tune. Btw, killinghall stated it out of tune too, you could pick a bone with him too. :)

Anyone who has asked me about my videos, I always replied and told them that the vids aren't really that great. You can ask around. I have never progated them as being a sort of "definative guide to Shredcow's playing/skills", but if you note, most of them were up for fun, and done in the early morning. No sane person does a take first thing in the morning to "show off".

Anyway, my guitar was intonated thru out all most of the videos, with a strobe tuner.

Bern said:
Sorry Shredcow, I have stopped supporting you, I heard from people saying that you are full of yourself, putting people's playing down with non-constructive comments and blar blar 'you are the best' kinda shit.. C'mon PROVE IT! Learn those songs and show us what u meant by 'good control and melody'!

Please find a non-constructive comment/s, my comment/s, on the Open Mic section, and post it here for everyone to see.

Which do you hold in higher regard? Original compositions or cover songs? I do not have any cover songs, except for a silly rendition of Star Wars done in the early stages of my playing, so I only have my compositions.
Bern said:
Strat, I may be stupid, but you are no better as you speak for your lover, stratcow.

First, strats is a friend of mine, not my "lover". Second, my nick is Shredcow, something you can copy & paste.

Please watch your words. No one picked a bone with you to deserve such condesending comments.

Bern said:
Firstly, he played bumble bee to u on msn right? Well we didnt see it, anyway that's COVER No.1

Actually, if you wish to know, let me tell you what songs I've covered in its entirety.

Mr Big - To Be With You
Mr Big - Wild World
Green Day - Time of Your Life (my 1st song)
(I'll add on when I remember them)

That was when I had an acoustic guitar only. My first song I did when I got my electric, was some original thing that sounds pretty bad! Hehe.

There's quite a bit more, mainly from the MDC scorebooks. Jazz stuff like Quiet Night of Quiet Stars, Girl From Ipanema, Take the A Train, etc etc etc. The bumblebee thing I played for strats was an arrangement for the MDC Combo Band back then. I merely played my part out.

Oh, I played "I love Rock n Roll" for MDC School Shows... :D

Bern said:
Secondly, he's so called 'weird shit' sounds like Steve Vai. YES! Oh for goodness sake, some vai licks and styles are ripped off directly. Be honest to admit. So thats COVER No.2 (dont tell me you nvr learnt any vai songs)
So Strat b4 you speak for your lover, use your ass to think. Hey you talk much too, WHY NOT YOU PROVE IT?!? (we have another hum chee in the line)

Refer above.
I never learnt any Vai songs. You may do your research, approach your witnesses or gather evidence.

If I sound like Mr Vai, thank you, I am flattered. He was and still is, a tremendous influence in my playing, I think he is truely an innovator and continues to inspire me to try to be different in as much ways as possible. Don't you think Vai sounds like Zappa?

Now, find me another guitarist that plays like me.
Bern & Momo: u guys shud chill..

to Bern: i've seen ShredCow played & his pieces are good proof of his skills & ability to be original.. Plus, he is a really humble dude & he dun go around boasting about himself. Besides, he is always dere to provide help on some gear stuffs + music arrangement. dun put him down jus cuz of some other people hearsay. it wld realli be unfair for such a nice dude like him. trust me on that (plus im not his gay lover or shag-buddy)

finally, i agree with Strats that if u play lotsa covers, chances are ur sound/music/composition wld be very much like that of ur cover bands..
dude, you know you dont have to bother with the random trolls.
at the end of the day, they're just non-entities; like disembodied fingers clattering at the keyboard.
Bern said:
So Strat b4 you speak for your lover, use your ass to think. Hey you talk much too, WHY NOT YOU PROVE IT?!? (we have another hum chee in the line)

1) I can't use my ass to think, no one can. If you can, then I'm not surprised. 2) what do i have to prove to you? 3) I'm no hum chee. If you know me personally, you would know I'm not one to back down/shy away from challenges. Heck, I would meet you in real life if you want to. Savvy?

Pertaining to him sounding like Vai, the only way to not sound like your typical rock guitarist is, well, to not play like your typical rock guitarist. Which means? No pentas, no standard seq of 4 or seq 3 ascending/descending and instead playing with the lesser used modes like lydian/locrian/mixo blah blah. No matter how well you phrase and choose your notes, you'll go back to the fathers of eccentric playing: Vai & Satch, and if you want to go further, Zappa, Holdsworth, Meola. Shredcows merely took the path less taken. Sure, playing covers may/will/shall help you in your future later on, but they're not exactly the sine qua non of a good guitarist is it?
alamak talk is cheap lah once again... oh have a gang in here! haha must you bring the whole arrmy down to help your defence? once again..PROVE IT so that whatever u said is point saying this and that to defend yourself! The more you defend for yourself the cheaper your talk is as u always contradict yourself -It comes down to EVERY MUSICIAN PLAYS COVERS. Oh yah, Im 15 as u said i can be childish. U are more childish with your blind defences! Try your ass, really try it, maybe your words will be wiser!

Sing in Eb with me:
Strat and Shredcow...(hold it for 4 bars)
are hum hum hum(piano) chee chee chee(forte)(triplets)
*sing with feel*
momo: ur argument seem very matured & rational until u did that childish thingy @ the last part. totally spoils ur image as a young teenager cum musicians..
listen kid, there's a difference between cowardice and stupidity. I'm more than willing to meet you in RL to sort out any issues in here. Once again, I have nothing to prove to you, neither does shred.
I could choose not to play with you, but I really want to reach my target of 2k posts so here goes.

RL= real life
strats said:
I could choose not to play with you, but I really want to reach my target of 2k posts so here goes.

RL= real life


We wish you the best! Y not u spend some time on tackling those songs so you could save some face? ;-)

Oops, Shredcow is beginning to hao lian..showing his tail already ah... He said, 'find another guitarists that plays like me' whooo what arrogance... tsk tsk...
Bern said:

We wish you the best! Y not u spend some time on tackling those songs so you could save some face? ;-)

Oops, Shredcow is beginning to hao lian..showing his tail already ah... He said, 'find another guitarists that plays like me' whooo what arrogance... tsk tsk...

why are you posting these statements that are obviously both absurd and ridiculous? was it with the intention of facilitating the notion that sacrificing ones life for another is virtuous and/or aristocratic? well this in fact, compromised by the notions of expertise, has altered my mortality to such a degree, that I now have as much "feeling" and "compassion" as a can of frozen turnip greens. this is now resting on your shoulders. to answer the question already formed in your simple little mind, no. no as in my first priority when making a post in not always the hyperbolic expression of my feelings towards a person of your nature.

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