Need help on selection of pickups

Re: SD pups?

neuro182 said:
ooh.. wat SD pickups wld u recommend for neck & bridge if im playing more of rock?

Yeah, SD '59 and JB are good choice for a dual hum strat. Personally, I run that config too but with a Custom in the bridge instead. The JB has a lot of upper mid harmonic response (which is awesome if you want that over the top 80's rock lead sound) while the Custom has more bass and less mids.

If you want to coil tap the neck '59 make sure you get the 4-conductor wire version. If you want to keep the SSH or SSS look of a strat or don't want to worry about the routing (I had to route the depth of the pickup cavity on my strat to fit the hums), there's the little 59 which is a single coil sized version, not exactly the same as a full hum but still there I think. They have a single coil sized version of the JB too.

If you're not worried about versatility and just want a full on rock guitar, go for the Duncan Distortion. :)
Urm, think I should've asked this first...

What sort of guitar are you using? It might affect pickup choice since I was assuming you were using a alder body maple neck strat sort of guitar.
im using an Ibanez RG27SP, Basswood, Wizard II Neck w Rosewood Fretboard.

Anyway, wats with coil tapping & coil splitting?

Coil Tapping = making single sound like a hum?
Coil Splitting = making hum sound like a single?

Correct me if I'm wrong..

I need strong SD pickups to boost palm-muting as well as strong distortion without being too loud or over-cutting & for the clean, not too muddy.

Any recommendations?
Sounds like a 59, JB will sound good in there. It's a tried an tested combination, can't go wrong with it.
Yup, that's usually how it'll go. If you happen to dislike the pickups after installation, selling wouldn't be a problem since they seem to be in demand lately.

how abt combining 59 model with either a Custom model SH-5 or Distortion model SH-6?

those 2 seem to be more menacing dan e JB model.

any inputs?
Trem or not?

okie i got another confusion in my mind - e usual pc or a trembucker one?

heard trembucker is for floyd rose guits & im using a Ibz Lo Trs II.
Personally I went for the Custom instead of the JB 'cos I wanted a more 'modern' scooped-mid ish kind of sound to offset the vintage PAF feel of the neck 59.

There are samples on the SD site if you want to do a little audio compare, but bear in mind that the samples are made with and LP so they won't sound exactly like that on your RG. But listen out for the tonal differences between your list of pickup choices.

Yeah, get the Trembucker-spaced versions for your locking trem.

There's also the Distortion Trembucker. In any case, you'd probably have to special order the bridge pickup since most shops don't keep trembucker spaced ones in stock.


Yea np.. Thanks for the info provided. I personally lyk Distortion as well as the Invader.. I did up a list w e pics & specs within a page. I might post it online later.

Btw, wats PAF?
Re: PAF?

neuro182 said:
Btw, wats PAF?

PAF = Patent Applied For

Some of the first humbuckers made had a PAF sticker on them. Most manufacturers try to replicate the sweet vintage tone of of these pickups and refer to these vintage pickups as PAF's or call it the PAF sound.

I personally don't really know what PAF's are supposed to sound like but the '59 works for me.
The '59 is the most popular SD humbucker for neck position. Many guitar manufacturers use the '59 + JB combination if they decide to use third party pickups, 'cos they are a tried and true, "safest bet" combination.

I like the 59 in neck position, nice fat, smooth and old school. It's a safe bet for neck position + it should also be easy to resell or find second hand since they're quite popular and they use the same spacing for neck position even on trem locking guitars.

oic.. i might be trying out '59 + Invader 1st.. got so many combi.. maybe ill get a few more axes if i get more "famous" haha..

Seymour Duncan pups look delicious to me!! :lol:
hmm...i don't know about the 59' but the invader has a high output.
if the 59 doesnt have taht same level of output, one pickup will sound louder than the other
Invader? What's next?

redjackal said:
hmm...i don't know about the 59' but the invader has a high output.
if the 59 doesnt have taht same level of output, one pickup will sound louder than the other

okie so any suggestions for neck pickups to combine w Invader?