My New Custom Bridge by Andi (eclizpe)


New member
Evening all,

Good things are meant to be shared. So here are some select pictures of my spanking-new, custom-made bridge made by Andi (eclizpe). I wanted to upload more but it's really troublesome to resize and upload so many pictures.

The bridge-plate is made of stavac steel. Frankly, I have no idea what is stavac steel. But according to Andi, stavac steel is one of the strongest, hardest and most dense material around and is ideal for a bridge-plate.
Well, I take his word for it. The master knows what he's doing.

The trem-block is made of brass, and it's coated to prevent oxidation. It's pretty much as heavy, thick and solid as it will ever get. Can you spell 'sustain'?

The trem-arm's tension can be adjusted via an allen-wrench. Very clever idea, and very well executed. And if you look carefully, you can see my name engraved onto the bridge-plate itself, in the area under the trem-arm.

The main reason why I went to Andi for a custom bridge is that I could not find a replacement bridge for this project of mine. The screw placements are just too 'special', that no commercial aftermarket parts fit.
In hindsight, I am so glad that I took this route because this bridge that I have now is nothing short of a dream to work with.

The amount of thought, care, attention and hard-work that went into creating this beautiful bridge leaves me in awe. And it has also been an utmost pleasure dealing with someone as humble, earnest and inquisitive as Andi, and also in the process making a like-minded and life-long friend.
So guys, if you ever need any custom parts done. You know who to approach. ;)

Enough talk, enjoy the pictures!

From the drawing board,

To production,

Almost done,
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Still raw.

Polished and buffed to perfection!


Compare and contrast, old stock parts VS new.
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It's an AXL something something I cannot remember.

Everything is nonsense on it except the body and the neck. So I replaced every single thing imaginable on it, except the body and the neck. It's a very fun project.

Andi refers to it as the AXL fully-loaded. ;)
sweet stuff man. i have been looking forward to seeing pictures of ur strat with the bridge.

it looks awesome!! i would really like that on my strat. hahahah the "phil" engraving, was it taken from that website i showed u?
hi phil...

mannn.... thanks buddy :D
glad u like it :)
im moved ~_~

stavax/stavac... really dense .. its hardenable u can increase it's hardness thru some tempering process ... i forgot it's maximum hardness-RC value but its hard .. & strong material .. + anti rust ... it has already a nice shiny surface without coating in chrome anymore..

please wait for my new parts :)
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