My music at purevolume (Cheez)

Hmmm. I uploaded it 160kbps. The one I posted at SOFT was only 128kbps. Anyway, I'll try to convert again and upload one more time. Tell me if it is still low quality. If so, I'll convert it at 190kbps and re-send it. Thanks for telling me!
Cheez, maybe you should try listen it after you upload it. Don't know is it because of the bit rate or the player itself. :smt017

Eh... more songs plz...
all this 3 already been post in SOFT before liao...

BTW, you upload your songs to internet is it due to I alweays request you to repost, & you start feel irritating? :lol:
No problem leh. But then, my speakers are not working - still trying to contact Acer at this moment (phone in my hand).

More music... sorry, must wait for my notebook to be fixed. Others cannot post because of copyright issues. But then, purevolume only lets my upload 4 songs.

Sorry must wait - but I assure, I will make the wait worthwhile!
I think you are right Mingguan - the site offers low bit-rate. Any suggestions as the where to post for best quality bit rate without paying for it?
Cheez said:
Others cannot post because of copyright issues.
I thought as long as you proof the ownership of the works? you will be protected by copyright law?
or is it a covers?

Cheez said:
but I assure, I will make the wait worthwhile!
I'm sure your music definitely quality works!

Cheez said:
Any suggestions as the where to post for best quality bit rate without paying for it?
hm... how about soundclick?
Copyright because I arranged the music for somebody else who is the main writer. He wrote the lyrics and the main melody - I transformed it into a fully orchestrated musical. So I'm only the "arranger" and not the composer in a strict sense.

Will look up soundclick.
Cheez said:
I arranged the music for somebody else who is the main writer. He wrote the lyrics and the main melody - I transformed it into a fully orchestrated musical.
Which Song? Which Album?
where can I find it?
or is it the musical that you mentioned long long ago?
which one?
I interested leh...
Too pai seh to say which album. It was written before my sampling days. I played it again recently (I think I did 8 songs in that musical) - gave me the shivers! I don't think I arranged them very well. There was, of course, the usual time constraints. It was done with my Roland JV1080 with orchestral, orchestral 2, FX and Bass/drums expansions+ Yamaha SY99 sounds. Although I thought I did it pretty well then, I can't bear to listen to them again!!! Brrrr, gives me the shivers again just to think of it!

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