Festival For A Future - 6th July 2008 At Glass Pavilion With Very Good Bands!!!!!!!!!

No worries! I just needed to clear things out.
Afterall, our main objective is to promote local music and education, both locally and internationally.
It wasnt a knife. Everything is rest already. Please drop the topic. And the attackers were most likely people that were not part of the event. So it has nothing to do with the event.Please know how to differentiate. Thank you. I will appreciate if this topic ends here.

Huh?? what's 'It'? If 'It' wasn't a knife, are you implying that 'It' was a weapon? If im not wrong armed assault is a very serious crime, and beer bottles haha were they drunk? Really don't think drunk security is very secure at all.

What the... Charity event also got this kind of fight sia...

Oh yah What do you mean everything is rest? Did the guys involved have an outside settlement or agreement? huh!? lol i dont think they would exchange phone numbers right after the fight to meet up now would they. I would run lol! and if the individuals involved weren't from freemansland, then how come you all know so much about it? lol conspiracy siall.

Should really control employees, the offence can blacklist not only the offender but the company as well, armed assault is really something you wouldnt want under your name, really really bad rep for FML imo.And for the 'mini-hulk' guy (lol), shouldnt have fought, but at least didnt use a weapon.

wah this has really tarnished Freemansland's reputation!,
but i still believe in Freemansland, where everyone can be free to go to a land where there are man y gigs! :)

i intended to get it on Shen from AVA when he was described as "handsome man in the band"! but unfortunately i couldn't get it further than the security guy's head...

sorry security guy.

lol yes i saw you throw that thing!
HAHA! i was beside you and your friend the short kid with long hair..
i dont think that the first bands were that bad?

haha chill! you guys were alright la =D
just that few fringe bands arent very good..

im sure you will think that way if you caught the whole thing.
no offence, but afterall people pay money.

its partly also to promote local scene and doing charity work
so i think, the next time they should be strict-'er' with picking of bands agree?
Huh?? what's 'It'? If 'It' wasn't a knife, are you implying that 'It' was a weapon? If im not wrong armed assault is a very serious crime, and beer bottles haha were they drunk? Really don't think drunk security is very secure at all.

What the... Charity event also got this kind of fight sia...

Oh yah What do you mean everything is rest? Did the guys involved have an outside settlement or agreement? huh!? lol i dont think they would exchange phone numbers right after the fight to meet up now would they. I would run lol! and if the individuals involved weren't from freemansland, then how come you all know so much about it? lol conspiracy siall.

Should really control employees, the offence can blacklist not only the offender but the company as well, armed assault is really something you wouldnt want under your name, really really bad rep for FML imo.And for the 'mini-hulk' guy (lol), shouldnt have fought, but at least didnt use a weapon.

wah this has really tarnished Freemansland's reputation!,
but i still believe in Freemansland, where everyone can be free to go to a land where there are man y gigs!

The incident happened outside and after the event. Can you understand that the security representatives left already. I know so much because i was there with my friends and beside deafening silence when all the commotion happened. I was infront of the fight, calming both parties.
To be honest, i dont think its fair for you to make such a statement.No one knows the true story. OUR INTENTIONS were good, the effort to co-organize and do up an event all for the name of charity, and because of such a small mishap which have been settled for/happened after the event, you emphasis that our reputation have been tarnished .
Oh well, we will mind our own business in the future.
please calm down. no need to get overboard. if you believe that the fight has absolutely nothing to do with your company, it is best to leave it as it is then, no matter what people say.

in general, people may or may not be around to defame your co. but if they do, i suggest handling the comments well.

"Oh well, we will mind our own business in the future."
this will not prove a thing. it is a forum, and people are free to discuss about what goes on. if the fight happens to be a highlight of the night, then what can anyone do about it?

so i suggest that we discuss openly about it instead of running the supporters of your show down. in turn, the gig-goers should understand basic organising protocols and not defame the company. if you think you have a particular problem with them(eg. security, sound, crowd or ugly door girls) then you should send them an email and feedback your thoughts. then we can all learn and attend better gigs in future.

and if theres a fight next time, join in. nothings more hardcore than brutal beatings and stabs.

MORE FASHION SHOWS PLEASE :D:D thats my feedback
hey guys, I would like to thank everyone for coming and showing your support, on behalf of Humongous C. Although we played only 2 songs, we had an awesome time. THumbs up for all the other bands ==> Deafening Silence, How to kill a muffin man, Adieu. Awesome stuff guys.

Its just another fight at a gig. It always happens. Nothing new, boring haha. I hope everyone enjoyed the gig though :) It was awesome, very good sound system, I hope more gigs will have such sound system makes bands sound alot more proffesional and enjoyable for the audience!
okay sorry, i think freemansland is great. and as for the modelling thing, please invite that damn buff guy who was modelling at ffaf again please! HE IS SO HOT. i think his name is Kenny Chua? HES GOT THE NICEST ARMS AND CHEST I'VE EVER SEEEEEN. BRAD PITT SIALLL

okay sorry, i think freemansland is great. and as for the modelling thing, please invite that damn buff guy who was modelling at ffaf again please! HE IS SO HOT. i think his name is Kenny Chua? HES GOT THE NICEST ARMS AND CHEST I'VE EVER SEEEEEN. BRAD PITT SIALLL

oh god.. i really hope you're a girl.. cause otherwise this.. is really sick..