New member
don't mean to spoil your fun but you're both wrong >_>
"using an oxymoron in an oxymoronic way"
To do so would be simply to use an oxymoron as it is intended to be used. Insults are used in insulting ways.
What you probably meant is that it's IRONIC to use an oxymoron involving volume to name a band. It is ironic to name something that is meant to make music, silent.
But it is not an oxymoron, because it relates two different entities. Oxymorons are SELF-contradicting.
An oxymoron is not a negative connotation- you can just as easily call it a positive connotation, because it will have both. Poor rich girl. Sober drunkard.
There is no such thing as an oxymoron within an oxymoron, because that would require you to have two entities within one statement. Your reasoning of double negatives is perfectly sound, but your premise is wrong.

I hope I didn't confuse anybody there! Deafening Silence is a really awesome band, Cass's vocals and stage presence are awesome! EDIT: (the following sentence is to be read with much sarcasm, and the prior knowledge that Quiet Riot is a bloody awesome glam rock/metal band) And what kind of silly band name is "Quiet Riot" anyway?
"using an oxymoron in an oxymoronic way"
To do so would be simply to use an oxymoron as it is intended to be used. Insults are used in insulting ways.
What you probably meant is that it's IRONIC to use an oxymoron involving volume to name a band. It is ironic to name something that is meant to make music, silent.
But it is not an oxymoron, because it relates two different entities. Oxymorons are SELF-contradicting.
An oxymoron is not a negative connotation- you can just as easily call it a positive connotation, because it will have both. Poor rich girl. Sober drunkard.
There is no such thing as an oxymoron within an oxymoron, because that would require you to have two entities within one statement. Your reasoning of double negatives is perfectly sound, but your premise is wrong.

I hope I didn't confuse anybody there! Deafening Silence is a really awesome band, Cass's vocals and stage presence are awesome! EDIT: (the following sentence is to be read with much sarcasm, and the prior knowledge that Quiet Riot is a bloody awesome glam rock/metal band) And what kind of silly band name is "Quiet Riot" anyway?
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