My custom pedal has arrived!


New member
Hi I've been lurking here a long time but never got around to registering :P

I just recieved a custom ordered pedal from a local builder and I must say I went totally nuts after hearing it! It's the most gorgeously touch sensitive and transparent pedal I've ever tried.

I don't even know how to describe it, it's not really an overdrive, it just adds so much mojo to my playing. I've been playing this monster for a couple of hours already and I just can't get enough. Pushing a tubescreamer into this is just heaven! Incredible warmth and dynamics. I'm still contemplating but it's likely going to kick my Timmy or Zendrive off my board :D

I was concerned about the tube being placed in that location but the builder assured me that it's very secure, and he'll do any repair for free if there's a problem 8O

With the 3pdt, the high grade components, the neat wiring and clean soldering, I just couldn't be happier!

Pics pics!




Wow it has a 12AX7 tube! nice!

Does it have a lot of clarity through the gain?

Does it clean up nicely when you roll off the volume?

And that looks like True Passive Hard Hardwire Hardcore Bypass!

clips please!!!!!1!11!1!
As long as that valve doesn't end up melting the jacks to the pedal. :P I'm hoping it's a light bulb.
builder: blueark

price: unknown..

anyway.. for those who are interested in local pedal builders.. there's a new pedal made by Om Labs.. u can find it on mrmisse's website 8)
sia la, quite cheena....

yeah man i'd be worried abt the overheating too. even those tube vox pedals have vents for dissipation of heat.
Wow hi guys.

The pedal runs on 9V, so I'm not sure if it will be an issue with overheating. Maybe I'll leave it on overnight and see what happens? Seeing as I'm covered if anything goes wrong 8)

The pedal is crystal clear, you won't lose any of the note definition, and all the dynamics are there, it's just amazing how transparent it is. Incredibly amplike.

I'll record clips as soon as I can. Will need to borrow some recording equipment from a friend first. Hope my playing does it justice :P
Actually, i don't get it, GregMorin....

You say "Pushing a tubescreamer into this is just heaven! Incredible warmth and dynamics.".... so this pedal accenuates dynamics from the compressed tubescreamer?

And I don't understand how "crystal clear" would coincide with "incredible warmth"....

Please do record something man... this could be the end all to many a pedal search!
thor666 said:
Does it cook rice?

If the light bulb (probably not a valve running hot at 9v I'm thinking) generates enough heat, I think it'll be a pedal that can literally cook rice. Or maybe fry egg. Best thing since slicing bread. :P