Musicians and the Environment

you can`t be risking cutting your fingers to stop global warming now,right?haha

being environment friendly isn't about choosing between the risk of getting cut by rusty strings & the consideration of replacing them on grounds of wastage reduction- it's about doing something with the thing you have no use for any longer.
yes agreed.

my block has this guys that come over occasionally and gives us a huge green plastic bag for us to put our 'refuse'... and then they will collect it for recycling..
and, all my junk that i dont need gets 'thrown' into that green bag..(some of which i dont even think can be recycled. but who knows right? technology has come a long way.. the usual thats in the bag? ....used strings, worn out picks, packaging of guitar accessories...)

i remembered i place my old acoustic guitar in that bag and the guy actually took it out and asked me if i was really sure about this.. but yeah i gave it to them (for recyling of course)

i do wonder how they would recycle a guitar...
Hell, no you don't recycle guitars! You make them into project guitars out of the parts or you make sure you keep long lomg and mod nice nice, hurhurhur :mrgreen:
hmm, how do you even mod a acoustic congress?
i still have my first guitar.. which is an acoustic kapok...
now that i will never let go...
hmm, how do you even mod a acoustic congress?
i still have my first guitar.. which is an acoustic kapok...
now that i will never let go...

I also uses a kpok.A $35 Kapok from Davis.Still with me.I own only craftsmans gs 90 and my kapok acoustic.
Guitar=Sampan.Hahaha,I remember reading a post that softie sat on his uncle's guitar and pretend it to be a sampan.I can't remember who he was.
hey donald..

that guy you were referring was me la...
shh, dont tell anyone. i was really stupid back then, imagination running wild..

mind was also from davis, not sure if it still has the davis sticker..
hey donald..

that guy you were referring was me la...
shh, dont tell anyone. i was really stupid back then, imagination running wild..

mind was also from davis, not sure if it still has the davis sticker..

Mine still have the Davis Sticker but also have stickers of Rock for wayne,Bon Jovi have a nice day sticker and Ronin's Do Or Die CD cover's 'Do Not Scratch' sticker.My acoustic strings are rusty.Got it 3years ago and didn't bothered to re string.

You really made me laugh with your riding on guitar as a pretend sampan.:mrgreen:
haha, i had this huge 'professional' sticker on my kapok..

im thinkin if i want to the top and make it into a vase for flowers.

hmm, lol.. glad my childhood memories made someone happy.
At the rate the ice caps are melting cos of the high temperatures, Aki might need to get his sampan skills up and running again :p

Talking about sampan, I saw a trailer on CNA. It showed this guy glueing used chopsticks and making a sampan from them, with the intentions of recycling.

I admire his patience, his concern for the environment, and his artistry.
Someone posted a comment on Sub's blog which may echo some of us here.

Disclaimer: I am not posting his comment out of spite. His comments are understandable and pretty valid. Nor am I posting this to say that I'm Mr. Know-It-All. I just feel the need to share it as it relates to a topic that I feel the urgency to press for.

He says: "Its quite noble of you to take such measures, but frankly, an environmentally-friendly guitarist seems like an oxymoron. Sad, but these means arent enough to offset the amount of wood used to make guitars... especially if you have a lot of them."

I have posted a reply to comment on that comment, and I wish to reiterate/paraphrase it here:

As the world population increases, the demand for certain needs will forever rise, and there will forever be an environmental compromise in order to meet that demand for needs (Eg: Demand for food will see to it that more trees are cut down to make way for plantations, animal rearing, food processing).

The problem right now is that certain measures were not put into practice to begin with, and we were greatly ignorant of the consequences of our actions until recent times.

Do we point our finger to the musician for the consequences, because of his demands for gears to make the music he does? No. He is satisfying his need as a consumer.

Can we we then blame the manufacturer for producing those gears? It was a cycle that has been ongoing for years; it is a hard one to break. In fact, to stop everything altogether would throw the world economy into chaos.

There is noone to fault in this scenario really. Neither is there any real single all-accomodating solution. But now that WE have the knowledge that every bit we do CAN make a difference if done as collective of environmentally concious, what do we do with that knowledge? If it doesn't influence us to take steps to find ways to improve it, only THEN there is someone to blame.
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damn, I think i better go meet my uncle and start training my sampan skill..
maybe i be the ferryman to that guy whos making sampan out of chopsticks...

anyways, whoever posted that post is must not have heard that guitar companies are under strict compliance to his law (i forgot the name).

in this law, the companies are not to cut 'underage' trees, and they have a margin on the maximun amount of trees that they can cut. and only on certain grounds.
this guitar manufacturers just cant go around cutting down trees randomly.

on a side note, anyone knows how to remove the top and neck from an acoutic guitar?
i want to make it into a vase for sunflowers...
Though there are laws being enforced for such an activity, illegal lumbering is not a problem that has yet been solved, especially in certain countries.

We can only hope that the company from which the source lumber that the guitars are made from has some ethical decency.

Acoustic guitar as a vase... might not last with all the moisture that it's gonna be subjected to when you water the plants.
lets just hope so.
but i do wonder how many guitar bro subs here has..
i own 2 acoustic and 1 electric, sold my previous electric to a friend who was tight on cash but needed a guitar badly for work.

as for the vase. maybe i could apply a coat of laquer?
He had an entry about how many guitars he had.

But think about it this way: having a couple of guitars that's kept and valued as a possession and having chopsticks or tooth picks or any disposable products from wood sources. Which one is more guilty of wastage?
i'm sure you will agree that people more readily believe what they want to believe. this is called a socially constructed reality. but i am an optimist.

the question you should ask yourself, is global warming a phenomenon, or is the increase in air temperature within natural climatic variations?

logging is not a problem. ILLEGAL logging IS. logging companies do observe ethical practices, such as the preservation and maintenance of the forests that they use, often as required by law. boycott these companies and these practices will die. logically speaking, corporations will not be wasteful as long as it means increased costs. have abit of faith in capitalism, competition and the free market :cool:

but of course having delivered these articles to you on a plate is still less appealing than sensationalised media or music videos from bands like 30 seconds to mars, who REALLY care about the environment. right.

i'm not telling people to be wasteful, and i applaud bro sub for his ethic consciousness. you may have alot of guitars, but how can you say that you are wasteful when you take pains to maintain them, things that you value?

i am just reminding people that there is such a thing as getting carried away
hey donald thats nice.

does she have something in blue?
how much and where?

as for thoa..
damn i must have missed that entry.
and i have to agree with you on that.

i just find the main difference between guitars and chpsticks,
is we dont dispose of out guitar unlike the chopsticks

so basicallly i see no harm in sub buyin alot of guitar.
its not like his not making full use of it.
its not like a disposable chopstick where you use it once and throw it away.

now that is wrong.
the Live Earth concert must not be organized again !
look at how much rubbish is generated after 24 hours of the concert,
and most importantly wasting so much of the electricity worldwide !

*unless they use solar energy or other means of electricity for the concert, it would be very good.
