Music and Audio Technology at Singapore Poly

soft said:
If you were to become "the fine arts" in Singapore, you will DIE! :smt077

sorry james but i did not quite understand this part of ur sentence...

and yes i know sound engineering is no piece of cake in fact i got to know this sound engineer who use to work in a small studio at the eurasian association.i know it requires a lot of precise coordination and patience because it took him at least 2 hours to do the mixing after the recording and my gosh , i did not know dat mixing could take such a long time but nonetheless i'm aware of it dat sound engineering is no easy album goes thru so many levels of development before finally ending up in the shelves of a record store.first comes the recording , then mixing and then mastering (correct me if i'm wrong).

anyways i was juz wondering am i being too flamboyant? :roll:
mikemann said:
The truth, you can say all you want about dreaming big time. When it comes to crunch time, you start looking for a career job.

thanks for the tip mikemann u do have a point there. :lol:

i'm not aiming to be the Bill Gates in the sound engineering industry as long as i can survive in the real world , i'm happy wif it. life is full of challenges and the only way to overcome these challenges is how u deal wif it
do you know why Singapore has to promote the Arts? That is because not many people are doing it. Why not many people are doing it? That's because there's no market for it!!!

My father used to be a talior, he made shirts and pants. That is fine arts. Nowadays, most people just buy ready made.

You must understand how the market move. Like when the government says that movie making will be the next big thing for Singapore. They got all the investors in but the local market just didnt bite.

Just like the engineer you mentioned. How many people/band is willing to pay $100 per hour to do recording? Will you? Now, you can say you will but how are you going to recoup that investment? Can you?

We end up with lots of engineers who either work for less or simply switch to another line. For survival.

BUT! If you feel that you are ready to go allllll the way. I can only say, "All the best!"

For a real life test, try to get a part-time job in this industry. This test will let you experience;
1. How difficult it is to get a job.
2. How tough is the job.
3. What is the satisfaction.
4. What is the money package.

Let us know your findings!
dat is why i personally feel dat sound enginners need not be confined to the recording studio alone.they need to diversify in terms of their skills.not only can they do recording but maybe they could also do some small time freelance business.maybe this might help them a bit financially.this is the reality world we are living in , we need to be exposed to many different challenges.

take for example , do u have a copy of today's New Paper? if u do , there's a 2 page report on this recording studio at centruy's just something like ur 10 dollar 10 min haircut kinda shops.the sound engineer running this quick and easy mini recording studio in a heartland shopping mall is one fine example of wad i mean by thinking out of the box.i think he's idea of a quick and easy recording in just 30 mins in a studio which is easily accessed by the masses is simply get ur copy of 2day's new paper and read about it..i'm sure u would find it kinda interesting :lol:
Dun mean to pour cold water.

It sounds like a very cool idea to do, really I agree.

But do not take articles in the papers for face value. The actual story may be only 30-50% like it is in the papers. Remember, the papers is also a product which needs to be appealing to sell, be it as a product and a mean of propaganda.

A lot of what happen is not reported, and sugar and spice is added to make the story sounds good.

This is not good news to people who read the papers their whole life and take it word for word. I also being reading the ST times since as long as I remember I can read. But I take it lightly.

Behind all that glamor and appealing figures, you dun know the sweat, blood, sacrifice, pain & hunger just to scrap-by let alone turn in any profit. Remember, for any sucess story business, there are countless others who don't make it. Being a businessman myself, I still say it's better to be employed, much more worth it.

What do I have to show for, I'm just scraping by, and I AM PROUD OF IT. :smt066 :smt066
well i know they did not report on whether the business was making a profit or a loss.they juz highlighted this "brillant idea" by a sound engineer who wanted to extend his services to the heartlanders.but behind the glitz and glamour of having a recording studio at ur doorstep , we cannot say for sure on the financial status of the studio.

it's just like they are giving a one side story whereby we are being told of "people thinking out of the box" in the papers now and then.and most of the time , we can't say for sure whether their "thinking out of the box" is a success or a failure.but certainly i would like to find out the financial status of the studio.whether it would close down in a matter pf 2 years? whether the sound engineer would be hailed as Singapore's next entrepeneur? well i can't say for sure but i would definitely love to find out in years to come.....

hey come on , at least Singapore based papers aint dat bad in terms of the amount of propaganda they project.yes i agree no matter wad country ur in , the papers of the nation will always have propaganda here and there.
imagine urself in North Korea or some communist country where everyday all u see in the papers are "CAPITALISM LEADS TO MORAL DECAY" "CAPITALISM IS OUR ENEMY" blar blar blar or maybe in Iraq whereby "Bush is our saviour!!!" "America has come to save us!!!!" etc
Propaganda is a very fine art, much more subtle and indirect than how you have put it (south korea, iraq??).

It has played a very important role in nation building, but it seems to be transparent to the every day man. That's the beauty of it.

It brings the taxi uncles and kopitiam hangers to bitch about articles on the papers day in and day out.....BUT do they know, it's exactly what the use of the propaganda wants them to react in that way.

An idle mind is in a dangerous state. A mind filled with (planted or not) thoughts gives a person a proper purpose of life. Thus will do more good than bad to him and those around him.

Think about it.

Heehee....going off topic, sorrie...
ha but to sidetrack a bit, mike i respect what you're doing for the local music scene even if you just scrape by..if there are more like-minded individuals like you, together with the various talented musicians singapore music can actually make it..
Thanks a lot Jem :wink: , everyone have to try in their own way.

Although I don't play (instrument) myself, I am very intrigued in music anyway. I also feel a lot for the industry, ever since I found that I really like the sound of a band playing live, when I was a young lad.

I entered this industry actually by chance and I was not doing anything related to it before.

We have to take it a step a time, if others can take bigger and faster steps, that's their credit. In the end, what's is most important is that the industry progress and consolidate the works and form a strong union.

I hope in time, we could have our own cumulative event of the year, where the biggest and brightest local acts will be showcased yearly. And thruout, there is constant small events and functions going on all the time. All under a common society open and embraced by most local musicians.

Rite now, it's mainly a loner's act, single theme gigs, small timers and scattered efforts. No definative push to have bands which holds an identity amongst the heart of the general public.

C'MON GUYS, ACT NOW!!!! no matter how small your contribution, it's better than sitting at home and whining about it on the internet.
every need a start rite? whichever path u choose there's a reason behind it rite? i have my OWN plan..this is wat I tink is BEST for ME....watever u guys said is wat u guys tink...did i state dat LaSalle is not good? I merely said that they dont have business students and electronic/electrical students rite?

And since somebody said bout CONTACTS..i tink its best dat i can be in a school mixing arnd wif business..electronics/electrical students..dats wat i tink is good for ME...i dont intend to learn bout audio and music stuff ONLY..if can i wanna take up 3 courses at d same time..impossible for me so i juz need to learn some aditional skills on my own or from my friends...

true CERT is juz a piece of we need it? u guys answer...the truth is we wanna equip ourselves with SKILLS and MORE SKILLS so u can survive...

Dear DoubleBlade trinity and mikemann...everybody has their own plans or ideas for d to make people take out their wallet? how to make people buy your products and services? its juz a matter of will it work out well? WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN PLANS..dats y some people make it big and some juz ok ok and some people juz dont...
ERrrrr...ok.Anyone else knows what we could get in the portfolio BESIDES recordings?


If there were recordings,should we vid cam it onto a cd or show them through the digi cam itself?

How do we know they are prepared with computers to analyse our recordings?

Cmon dead serious about this course...die die must take! :evil:
well as long as they can hear u playing the instrument , i guess dat should be feasable. they only mentioned recordings , but for the vid cam part but i'm not too sure....

u can always go to La Salle SIA thou even if u dun make it to SP , but it's 3k per semester if u dun mind the high cost of education there....
ohhhh okay looks like the govt has decided to subsidise La Salle SIA eh? oh well...ALL THE BETTER!!! :lol:

but how come ur sch website put 3k per semester?

by the way is music tech a popular course in La Salle SIA as well????
Eh...when do we post/ present the portfolio?

Is there a dateline?

Or izit shown during enrolment? :?:
mike i share the same vision as you, as do many of the musicians around here do i'm pretty sure..however, as someone mentioned to me before, english rock/metal cannot really survive in a small market like singapore..when the audience, whom mostly have been fed mainstream stuff like britney spears and some boyband, hear some rock or metal song, they just diss the music as "loud" or "noise" without actually listening to the meaningful lyrics and wonderful instrumentation and that is so sad..that same person had plans to write and produce a mandarin album which i admit have a better chance of making it big here and possibly outside singapore..old school rock/metal bands here have a much better chance of striking out in other countries where there is a thriving music scene, but even then you have to be really competent to get ppl's attention to your music..the only genres i see working out here so far are pop/rock and funk..sadly there's almost no place for the old school faithfuls like us here :(
Frummer said:
Eh...when do we post/ present the portfolio?

Is there a dateline?

Or izit shown during enrolment? :?:

the submission for the portfolio would be done thru the DAE(direct admission exercise).it is during the release of the GCE O level results sometime by the end of this month dat the government will open the JAE website.i guess from there , u will find out when is the DAE.since DAE and JAE are separate exercises , they should be held on different dates

Might as well u go La Selle Sia / Nafa and take music diplomas...

La Selle Sia oso offers Music Tech ...but doesnt require music grades