Music and Audio Technology at Singapore Poly


New member
hey just wanna share with u about the music and audio technology course at SP....

i went for their open house yesterday juz so dat i could find out more about this course.basically from wad i have found out , they claim that they are the ONLY tertiary institute in Singapore which offers this course.obviously this so NOT true because SAE and La Salle SIA offers this course as well.anyways back to the main point here , the course focuses on musicianship and audio recording.they teach u how to perform as a musician giving u opportunities to showcase your talents on stage.what makes SP audio tech course unique is dat they incorporate certain modules of business such as entrepeneurship(or however u spell it) which in turn allows u to survive in the local music i bet this is something which u will never find in La Salle SIA and SAE!!!!

since this is a new course , there is no cut off point BUT for wad the lecturer said , SP courses are all below 20 points for L1 R4.expect tough competition because they are only taking in 40 students for this batch of intake.besides i can see dat this course is fast gaining popularity because many other students were also interested in this course so much so dat the lecturer had to give a "mass Q&A session" at the stupid was i not to pay the recording studio a visit otherwise i could tell u more about the equipment they use.

admission for this course would be through the DAE(direct admission exercise) as well as the JAE(joint admission exercise) after the release of the GCE O level results. do not worry about the DAE or JAE thingy because your school principal would brief u on the DAE and JAE thingy on the day of the release of the O level results.

to stand a better chance at this course , applicants are encouraged to present their portfolio as evidence of their creative potential.for instance , if u play the guitar , u are encouraged to do a simple recording of urself playing the guitar as evidence of ur creative potential.

so basically i guess this is roughly wad u will be expecting when applying for this course in SP. :?
that's why they say the younger generation get all the perks in life :P

hey no offence man , i know what it's like....

i graduated from saint patrick's school and what are the current juniors enjoying in my school now? 5 day work week....every Thursday NO NEED TO PASS UP HOMEWORK.....everyday except friday dismiss at 1.40pm instead of the usual 2pm...
I only believe in the school of hardknocks :smt021

The easier you have it, likely the less competent you are when you graduate. The harder your road to take, the more prepared you are for the bumpy ride ahead (after school). Sorry if I sound philosophical.

Of course, there are naturally talented people who can pick up with just a click of the thumb. Well, in this world if there are winners, there must be losers too. Just try not to lose too much, thats all.

My take, pioneer batch will most likely be guinea pigs of the course, end up less equipped than those graduating from more established institute. Furthermore this is not a cutting edge industry, well seasoned already. So caevet emptor, don't jump in blindly.
If you fail to get in, can always try NP's FSV course lor.
I went in wanting to do Audio....but now, I'm gonna graduate with a Video diploma cause i fell in love with Videography.
my fren in aerospace tech told me dat there is a lot of politics in FSV in NP.if the people dun like u they will do wadever it takes to screw ur life upside down there...
ha ha ha agreed ... been hearing lots of gossips from the people there ... even though I m from other course ... but i think it's kinda fun and you get to learn how to interact with people better that way ... well i guess you cant help it since most of the projects are group work .. so there are bounds to be conflicts when ppl working together ... but nothing goes really serious i guess
welcome to the real world

welome to the real world kiddo :) everywhere is the same , no body like a smart alec that talks big and know nothing :) Just be nice , humble and learn as much as can in life from lots of different people . Take it from an old dude. I am still learning lots of things here from the younger dudes here. If you want something real bad in life go for it , do something , don't just sit and whine . If not you be just wondering your whole life what if I did that earlier

Cheers , music is for everyone , some like it soft , some like it loud but I guess most of the dudes here like it hot , spicy and real loud :)
oh crap!!!!dat puts me in the danger zone!!!!

okay maybe i shall be a smart alec WITH BRAINS and of course be humble as well....but come to think of it , will i ever be one? i know i'm so damn excited dat now is the time for me to study wad i love most and dat is music as a general subject.but i guess time will tell........
this is really good news for me...was considering SAE and Laselle after ns..but for an A-level student to go poly may sound stupid to you guys...what are my chances if my L1R4 about 9? Really interested..
u will definitely get in.but i heard them saying that the portfolio thingy is only applicable if they had to choose between u and another person for the last place in the course.but i guess if u would do a portfolio of ur recording u would stand a better chance of getting it because wad if all the applicants applying have 9 points and below? it juz acts as a safety measure to get u into the course thou....
ok..i a portfolio can be a song, original or not that i record using say the free protools on my com?
juz anything dat showcase u playing an instrument or does not matter whether u use apple garage or Cubase Steinberg , as long as they hear u playing or singing is all dat matters. :lol:
ok...problem is i dunno how to take part in the peers are applying for uni and me thinking about JAE lol..still got one more yr left to ord..
the JAE usually happens a few days after the release of the O level's best if u could get to know someone who might be taking his/her O levels this year so dat he/she can keep u updated on the JAE and DAE....