Music and Audio Technology at Singapore Poly

neither would i know yet cause i'm still waiting for my O level results.maybe once i get back my results i would tell u how to apply for the JAE yeah? but i tot JC also had a JAE system?
ya la..i finished jc already with crap results..what i'm wondering is how to apply for poly after ns...with my o level results..
i think the JAE is open to all applicants regardless of ur i guess during the JAE period which last for a few days or even a week , u can start applying at a poly thru the JAE website or smth like dat cause now i heard from my batch onwards , the PAP want to make application into tertiary institutes easier and wif this comes mass online application thru the JAE website which will only be opened immediately after the release of the O level results follow by GIRO like more paying registeration fee in cold hard cash at the polys now....
they is an audition if i aint wrong for that course. My friend in IT wants to jump to that course and they tell him there will be an audition. So guys, practise ur licks well and wow them.
but i asked the lecturer instead of doing a recording for my portfolio could i just play the piano in front of his eyes and dat would be considered my portfolio and he said dat only recordings are accepted....
maybe the "audition" that stupid bugger meant was sending ur recording to them. oh heck it, i doubt it'll be of any good. That's just my biased opinion of SP, hated there since i entered school.
i dun understand....La Salle SIA accepts different kinds of "portfolios" for their auditions into the sound engineering course.for instance u could either sing , play an instrument on the spot , produce a recording of urself playing an instrument or even sing.they are flexible when it comes to their expectations regarding the auditions into the sound engineering course.
though a SP student, i dunno what kind of bullshit the school is doing, eating my holidays and removing supp exam. Maybe go down to check out once again with those fellas there. Try to avoid those students, go for lecturers directly, dun think they know alot more than the lecturers
Could be an agenda of a higher level. That they have a board of judges who will scrutinize the individual, weeding out the 'less talented ones'. With a recording you can analyze much more in details.

With an intake of only 40 students for the entire course, surely they have something up their sleeve. B'ware ye guinea piggies.....Muah ha ha ha :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
y limit to 40? do u tink the respond will be good if they dont limit it to 40? i bet it will be good.. and wats gonna happen to other courses then?

maybe the equipments they have provided for the course can only cater for about 40 students. guinea piggies???? i dont tink so

those who are eligible for the course...better rush for it..its good to be the pioneer intake..gonna apply for it man..gonna run my dad's biz after graduated..hope i get it..
Hmmm... Abt lasalle's sound engineering.. Must your portfolio be VERY good? I mean, are they VERY strict? =/ If my O lvls results can't make it, like meet it's expectation that is. With only the portfolio...
dont care bout wat u guys in for the CERTIFICATE!! Everyday go to school with music in my gonna like this course..pray for me guys.. :?
wat matters most at the end of the day is the DIPLOMA from SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC...
I heard SAE's not worth your money. Heard abt the broken equipment.
Anyway, you can apply at multiple institutes. No law against that.
The plus thing for studying in Lasalle is u r surrounded by pple involving in arts. U have the dancers from School of Dance, u have media design students, fashion design students n etc.
Contacts is very important and there is a large pool of contacts there. When they graduate, they might need pple to record, edit, compose for their dance, commercials, fashion shows n etc, if they know u well, they will surely approach u first. There are a lot of open doors for u to build ur contacts.
yeah i agree cause dat's wad i also is the people around u that makes ur stay at a tertiary institute worthwhile and not the courses.

anyways music is also part of the fine arts and wad a great way to interact wif people who are also interested in the fine arts for instance fashion , dance , drama etc at La Salle SIA
i juz need to build my contacts with creative media and electrical/electronics students and also BUSINESS students in SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC (I heard the business chicks in SP power!!..hehe) In LaSalle got business or electrical/electronics students? :D
i dont need fashion, drama or dance frens are multi-talented people..including me of course.. :oops:
den i might as well say , La Salle SIA has drama/dance/creative media design/fashion students which i can establish my contacts with....SP got drama/dance/creative media design/fashion meh???

if singapore was a country full of brains , who's gonna entertain the tourist when they come to Singapore? u dun expect a electrical engineer to entertain them by telling them how to fix a lightbulb , u dun expect a businessmen to entertain them by explaining to them the principles of accounting.u dun expect a creative media designer to entertain them by telling them i can create the world's most beautiful poster.u dun expect a mathematician to explain to them complicated mathematical formulas hoping dat the tourist would get entertained.u dun expect a scientist to entertain them by telling them dat he has found a cure for AIDS.u dun expect a lawyer to entertain them by telling them u cannot litter in public otherwise kenna FINE heavily.
the tourist must be wondering , "why the hell did i waste my money coming to Singapore? when all i get is a bunch of smart alecs trying to show off their brain power instead of their artistic power!!!! i come to Singapoe TO HAVE A GOOD TIME and not be entertained by smart alecs!!!!"
when this happens , less and less tourist will start coming to Singapore and obviously u know dat we depend a lot of our tourism industry to survive right? and wad happens when tourism goes down in singapore? the singapore economy drops and wad happens when the singapore economy drops? people get poorer by the day and wad happens next? we get retrenched , our marraige life breaks down , our adults and even kids will be smoking weed which obviously leads to a moral decay in Singapore.everyday u can expect to see long queues outside the Ministry of Manpower , people fighting for a place to sweep the roads as a source of living.

that's where the people in the fine arts sector comes in.i look up to La Salle SIA because i love the fine arts including dance and drama etc.u have accomplished musicians who could entertain them at pubs , concert halls and bars.u have dancers and maybe even pole dancers entertaining them in Geylang pubs.u have fashion designers who wif their own artistic creativity create their own brand of fashion wear for the tourist.u have sculptures and painters who could produce the best artworks a tourist has ever seen in his/her entire lifespan.u have actors entertaining the tourist wif musicals and plays at the espanade or victoria concert hall.

did u know dat there usually a HUGE INFLUX of tourist coming into Singapore during the Chinese New Year festivals ESPECIALLY during the Chingay Parade?! and wads chingay all about? dancers , singers , musicians all coming together to give those tourist a spectacular show.i know it cause i have seen it wif my own eyes at last year's parade.

never underestimate the power the fine arts sector in Singapore because i firmly believe it is the lifeline of the tourism industry in Singapore.

now....anybody would like to argue wif me about this?
Haha..... many Sing students graduate with dip or deg, after that goes into another totally different line of work. Making what they studied almost redundant, and the paper certificate just a piece of paper.

The truth, you can say all you want about dreaming big time. When it comes to crunch time, you start looking for a career job. That's where the heartbreak city trap you within.

Many discover that the job that they get with their qualification, may not pay enough, work enviornment not to their liking, disillusion with the industry, too much politics......yadah...yadah.....

Some people learn to live with it, some break out of it, some will just break down and become a wastrel.

So, keep your options open. Keep on discovering your inner longings, cause that is what will carry you through the long and audious journey.

Especially in the entertainment industry, plently of boastful people, who is just hot air. Can talk about bringing the sun and moon down, but when you ask them, "You and what CASH????", haha.....then they twist and turn, saying "aiyah, don't we all work on credit terms?". So BEWARE, people who are careful will stay on, but people who gamble will loose.

DoubleBlade said:
never underestimate the power the fine arts sector in Singapore because i firmly believe it is the lifeline of the tourism industry in Singapore.

DoubleBlade, it is good that you are enthusiastic about this industry. Do listen to some of those who are ALREADY in it. Behind all the 'creative' glam, it is loads of hard work. In an idea world, eveyone should be allow to do what they love best. But in this real world, it is about survival.

I think these course are good. In fact, they give those who wants it so bad a chance to realise their dreams. You may really excel at it and become the top engineer around.

If you were to become "the fine arts" in Singapore, you will DIE! :smt077