Much changes in soft, due to...?


New member
Firstly, this thread is NOT, i repeat NOT to flame anybody, any post, thread or anything.

Yes, a few incidents has occurred in soft around September this year. Much flaming,accusations,presumptions and much more. I have to admit that I've indeed did flamed muhdzr or less.paul now.

He's changing for the better, and we have to accept him. He's still growing and finding his maturity. But, we should feel ashamed for flaming him, criticising him, and spoiling his threads. Eg. of people who had done so, Me, velvetrevolver, zax, lostgod and so many others. I think we are the ones who are immature.

I won't beat around the bush anymore, and get straight to the point.

Have you noticed that the Reputation system is no more? Why? Cause of mass demerits on less.paul. Everyone starts with +10. But he had -13? And read his sigi, "My Reputation Doesn't Feed My Family." If you were to put yourself in his shoes, how would you feel?

Secondly, posting in Buy/Sell section is banned. At first, I found it overboard. But when you think about it, wasn't it our fault? Flaming so much, causing a single thread to go more than 9 pages? Isn't that wasting of bandwidth and money?

We brought this on ourselves. We are the ones who are to blamed. If we didn't flame less.paul or ANY OTHER PERSON. Whoever the person is, we should have never spoilt his/her's thread.

I guess this a point where we need to reflect on ourselves. Where we missed the mark. How far did we go, till privileges had to be taken away.

Signing off,
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yeah. i never had a account b4. but i've always been reading this forum. the old time was so much more joyful. well, this is what we've brought on ourselves
I look forward to better times ahead.

There is no formula, we will just improve as we go along.
Hello bro if you notice all the posts that i have added unto muhzdr's threads

You will realise that none of them constitutes flaming.

Even when he first came on soft and posted his own forum blah blah i nvr insulted him personally. I only condemned some of his actions such as playing innocent/making multiple accounts/ mass posting of threads/ asking him to following the 4 day rule.

Why then do i see my name up there in the guilty of flaming?

I respect your choice of attonement in this case but i personally feel i have not wronged anyone in this case less.paul aka muhzdr unlike some others have by posting his face around saying hes fat etc.

Your example of those who have flamed him appears to be carelessly listed in my opinion.

If i had insulted him in this past show me the thread and by all means i would make ammendments and apologise.

But till then i find injustice being done here. Do remove my name if you cannot find substential evidence to prove ur point.

Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end ...

la ala la laa....

i flame u
u flame me
we flame each other happily
na na na na na na na na na..
flaming is for you and me
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it does feel a bit weird when i see something really pretty (cue hub4thailand and ep.tjan and a couple others) and i can't comment OMG THATS SUCH A BEAUTY!.

yeah. listen to oasis and you will love everyone around you.:D
forget the troubles and live your life like nobody's business.:D
Here's my 2 cents about the way I look at things:

Exisiting in soft is like living in Singapore ... both are socialist democratic states.

Diffirence is that in SG we pay for the never ending changes to the cost of living etc.

In soft everything's free ... but there's no vote or general election for whatever.

Bottom line - If U can live in SG, you can learn to live in soft.

ps - anybody wanna elect me as MP in soft? :mrgreen: If elected I propose to reinstate the reply function in the buy & sell section and only disable this function for the trouble makers?
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James, we supported you since the wife lah, i supported you later. Hehe. After so much sites come and go, SOFT is still around. This thread proves that there is good people on SOFT.

You can have a million post and rep power of a 100 does not make you a saint on SOFT.

Whatever that has happened this year will make us on SOFT stronger. What does not kill you, makes you stronger.

Here is to many years to come.

PS. BEARILY, you are the man. It takes a BIGGER man to admit.
