Mixed Martial Art

No offence. But i think that both Cro Cop and Rich Franklin are not as exciting as they used to be. Forrest was very disappointing in his fight against anderson silva, he gave up after taking afew hits from anderson. Don't get me wrong, Forrest is 1 of my favourite fighters. However i felt that he could've done better. I find Machida a technical but very boring fighter.
^I agree man. Guess we'll see how ufc103 goes, but i don't really have any up and coming favourites. The most interesting fights to watch, in my opinion, are those which involve lesser known/new fighters, and those of the lighter weight categories. Just saw ufc101 and i have to say the last match which had that Sotiropolous(sp?) to be awesome, eventhough he hasn't had too many fights in the UFC.

And you can't blame Forrest, almost anyone would have difficulty fighting a silva. but his mind did seem off the match, like he wasn't really prepared for it.
Am i the only guy who watches WEC and PRIDE? I know PRIDE is no more but rewatching those events, i came to realise why some of the world's top fighters choose to fight in PRIDE..
Yup, a lot of the more exciting fights were bouts between 2 unknown/less well known fighters. The unaired preliminary fights are sometimes even more fun to watch than the main event itself. I'm not really blaming Forrest, Anderson is a tough opponent. His accuracy is just amazing, i thought that Forrest wasn't really ready for the fight. I do watch pride as well, but i find the ufc bouts more exiciting.
So far, i think the only fighter capable of facing GSP at the moment is Bj Penn. Though he suffered a heavy lost to GSP at ufc 100? ( correct me if im wrong) Bj's conditioning was awful. He has hardly, or never even gone the distance in most of his fights. So i think if Bj works on his conditioning it'll be a more even match up. Not to take away credit from GSP, he controlled that fight very well. BTW i follow mostly heavy, light heavy and middle weight.

BJ penn lost to gsp at ufc 94 i think. I think the thing was that bj penn lost speed moving up in weight and gsp was probably too big for him too. What about a match between anderson silva and gsp?

Well, theres DREAM the new pride. They don't really have alot of big names relative to the ufc at the heavier weight classes but they do put on exciting fight cards. Does anyone here follow k1 too?

On a side note, i hope Crocop beats JDS at ufc 103!
UFC 94? hahah my bad. Yeah. though BJ lost speed while moving up in weight, his conditioning has been known to be very poor even before he moved up in weight. In that match against GSP he was outclassed and you could see how tired he was after the 1st round.
Well guys I just watched UFC102 and I can say it had some pretty amazing matches. By amazing i mean quick to end, haha. Sometimes I wonder what martial arts background Keith Jardine really has. But Nogeuira(sp?) and Couture was an awesome bout. Plus I liked the Leben Rosholt fight, or rather how it ended.
brock lesnar ....mm... alot of power.. no skills...but i guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions... hahaas...

Georges St-Pierre fights are awesome...
Let not degenerate this thread to a Pro and Against Lesnar thread.. :) Truth is Lesnar has brute strength, real technique, i doubt.. his match against Couture, Lesnar was gassed going into the second round and he has difficulties throwing those hammer fists, you can clearly see that he is GASSED. No cardio. Zero technique. If Lesnar is going up against Couture in his prime, that would be a different story but in MMA, luck plays a big part and since Lesnar won. He won, he's the champion.. for now. :)
Honestly speaking UFC's heavyweight division doesn't really have too many good fighters. Which is why Couture came back, he felt he could get the belt, and he did. I mean, who else is left for Lesnar after Couture and Mir. Carwin? Nogeuira? He's going to lose that belt sometime.
That's the thing.. everything thinks that the Heavyweight div is not exciting.. it's actually quite stacked..

There's Gabriel Gonzaga, Mirko Cro Cop, Cain Velasquez, Cheick Kongo.. all quite good fighters..

Well UFC103 was quite a disappointment, 2 of my favorites lost in pretty embarrassing fashion. That's the end of CroCop's UFC career, I believe. It's really a whole new era of MMA now, with all these new guys coming up and dominating.